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Aussie's Report

Here's some possibly useful links.

Bushfire coverage

(Crazy image in the Flash header..a riverlet of melted metal...from what was a car.)

Goggle/CFA Fire Map

Sentinel Hotspots

CFA Incident Reports & Updates


This bit is insane...

http://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/newsdetail1.asp?storyID=152242]At least half of the fires are thought to have been deliberately lit and in some cases [b]arsonists restarted blazes that had been contained.[/b said:
Authorities say anyone found to have started a fire will face murder charges.


You really have to wonder if it's actually terrorism at work.


Looks like Kinglake is pretty much destroyed too... and topping the death toll ATM. (
I hade a PM from Neil this morning, no problems so far.

This is so unreal I can't even imagine it. Here I am in a bad mood because we've had 15 cm of snow in the last day. Hey - I don't even have to sweep it if I don't want to...
It's just heart breaking. I found myself listening to the reports on NPR with tears in my eyes this morning.
I saw the results of the Kosciusko National Park fire in 2003 (?), there was a steel guardrail protecting a steep slope, it had been melted like a piece of plastic. Hard to fathom the power of a fire, especially a eucalyptus fire.
The official death toll is now at 166 and they are saying it will be over 200 in the next few days...

Whole towns are now crime scenses..

The news said that the police are closing in on 2 aronists.....I really hope they get the pricks....
Pam said:
"Sorry your page was not found..."

Looks like they took it down.

WOW, you're right pam. I only just looked at it 5 minutes ago and the story was there.....:think:

LordViykor said:
Some photos from the area, it's like nothing I could ever imagine. The power of a fire uncontrolled just stuns me. It's hard to look at them without wanting to cry.


You are right their my friend.....I still get a tear or 2 happening when I see the pics........

My g/f and I drove through some of the closer areas to Melbourne this time last year when going to the chilli festival at jindavick.....It is truely beautiful country with nice people, and it is such a great loss.....
pulled article from The Age

QuadShotz said:
It seems my comment about it looking suspiciously like an intentional act of terrorism wasn't far off:

Islam group urges forest fire jihad

**edit: the article is still there but it requires a payment to view.**

From The Age, Melbourne, published 7 Sept. 2008.

Please remember, not all people of islamic faith are this way inclined, in fact there have been a lot of very evil people from many and varied backgrounds.

**EDIT 2**

As bent mentions below, it is an article full of 'Sensationalist scaremongering BS'
bentalphanerd said:
can anyone say 'Sensationalist scaremongering BS'

*raises hand*

The 12 pack of canned cat food I opened yesterday only had 11 cans in it. Terrorist plot to further erode consumer confidence or inattentive texting quality control? You decide.
Pam said:
The 12 pack of canned cat food I opened yesterday only had 11 cans in it. Terrorist plot to further erode consumer confidence or inattentive texting quality control? You decide.

Neither. A very deft (and sneaky) cat who scarfed up a can and not wanting to be caught, re-wrapped it.

Don't misunderestimate cats!
