Back From a Health Sabbatical

You may remember me from THP over the past few years, but I've been offline for the past couple of months. I got annihilated by poison sumac this September, which lead to a full on cellulitis infection. It was horrific, and although my case was severe, I'm still gardening. After a few stays in the hospital, I am good to go, despite my legs looking like I got hit by shrapnel in a war.

PS, these pics just show mainly my legs. I also got hit on my arms, torso, and ears. That is a bit too gruesome to show in full.

Anyway, back to the gardening and cooking, I suppose


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Wow! I'd heard of cellulitis, but didn't really know what it was. Now I see, and definitely don't want it. Sorry you had to experience that, but glad you're better. Welcome back!
We missed sorry for what you went through & hope it all clears up real soon.I had a milder case of Poison ivy
dermatitis which made me miss work for a while.not anywhere  close to what you had,when I look @ your photos I see
how lucky I was.I even got rid of some of my clothes etc as that Urushiol Oil hangs on clothing etc. for years.
Anyway great to see you back on the board & hoping that the worst is over..... :welcome:Back!
Glad to see you have recovered, Brock!
Nobody should have to go through that.
I hope there is no residual pain.   :eek:  Egads!
Here's to a better year ahead, and a great
2020 grow season for you. Looking forward
to another great TGCM grow!
Wow!  That's one bad reaction.  I remember I got poison ivy really bad one year when I was a kid and had to get shots of some kind.  I don't remember what they gave me.  Probably a steroid but since then I have never had a severe reaction again.  Hopefully you never will either.
Pr0digal_son said:
Sorry for your troubles and glad to see you are healthy again. I had a few tough battles with those plants in my youth. Are you sure it was sumac? They are pretty rare plants.
I hired a guy to remove the vines off of the back of my fence after I got out of the hospital the first time. I was too scared to go back out there to look at the plants, plus the meds I was on, I wasn't supposed to be in the sun. He spoke Spanish, and said Sumac, but I'm sure it also could have been Ivy/Oak vines. I didn't even realize that I had come in contact with it until that night when my body felt like it was on fire, and I started getting an insane rash.