beginner grower

not sure if "grower" is a word first off but as i said im a beginner grower?? and ive been looking into some peppers and wanted to ask is the 7 pot an easy pepper to grow?? also where is a reliable place to buy hot peppers
most peppers are easy to grow in warm / hot climates. 7 pots are a great plant to start out with.
When you say buy hot pepper do you mean, seeds? fresh pods? plants?
rdsxfn524 said:
OKGrowin said:
most peppers are easy to grow in warm / hot climates. 7 pots are a great plant to start out with.
When you say buy hot pepper do you mean, seeds? fresh pods? plants?
seeds, and i live in florida so thats good lol, can i grow them on my patio though only sunlight half the day??
     A 7-pot, like other C. chinenses, is not all that difficult to grow. They just have slightly different cultural requirements than say,  an annuum or a tomato. They take a little longer to germinate than some other seeds, and they start out growing pretty slow, too. But they catch up eventually. They like warm temps for germinating (~85F), and they like to dry out a bit between waterings. They are moderate feeders and prefer a slightly acidic pH. They prefer full sun, but I'm sure you can get away with half a day no problem.
    Check out some other threads around here to read up on germination, containers, soil etc. There is a TON of information available on this forum - something for every level of grower. Good luck!
    BTW, +1 for Judy at! Also check out ajijoe. I've never bought from him, but I've heard good things. You can PM him for a list of the seeds he carries, I think he has all of 'em!  :shocked: 
rdsxfn524 said:
seeds, and i live in florida so thats good lol, can i grow them on my patio though only sunlight half the day??
I'm in FL as well, and I grow mine on my balcony with only a few hours of direct sunlight. You can definetely grow just about anything here.
Lots of people overlook the pubescens species and with less than 8hrs of sun are a perfect plant to grow. Some of them are crazy hot as well. 