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preservation Best vinegar for hotsauce?

Cane is great for a Scotch bonnet sauce and several others too. Great replacement for regular white vinegar.
Cider works surprising well for ghost based sauce and jalapeno/Fresno.
Rice vinegar is another good all around vinegar. Available in double strength too at some Asian/Korean markets.
For highend i get Champagne and Chardonnay vinegar. Quite often its 7% so recipe adjustments will likely be required.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Cane is great for a Scotch bonnet sauce and several others too. Great replacement for regular white vinegar.
Exactly. And don't be fooled by the word cane. Not sweet.
Think of it this way. Coca-Cola used to be made with cane sugar. Now with corn sugar. Which is the better white vinegar??? ;)
Their formula is secret and I read they still use part of the leaves or plant for flavor, with no drug content.
MikeUSMC said:
Used to be made with cocaine too! Ahhh, the "Good 'ol days!" The times are a changin', haha! :rofl:

Anybody tried cocaine in a hot sauce? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
No...But there has been some experimenting with cannabis in hot sauce.

Never seems to work out though....
Eat hot sauce, get the munchies
Eat more hot sauce...
More munchies....

