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best way to fund pepper hobby/obsession

If you are making money from the hobby is it not a hobby anymore.

Have to disagree with you boss, my old fella (pops) turned his hobby in to a great money making machine, his gravestone reads,,,

"Happy is the man who`s work is his hobby"

He loved his hobby & couldn't believe people paid him for doing it, and they paid him well, im not saying for one minute your going to make millions growing chilli`s, but if you can make a couple of quid doing what you like doing, fair play.

Mezo you are right, wheres the fun in life if you have to work everyday...A hobby is work you love, if people are paying for you to do it even better, thats the true meaning of happiness i rekon..

I have a rapid prototyping machine (3d printer) I print things and sell them on the weekends etc and on ebay...Good bit of spending cash.

Otherwise a full time job helps :)
I look for anything to cut costs, not even necessarily for peppers. I work on alot of residential and commercial jobsites and scrounge for different things. I 've outfitted my garage fully with lights, shelves, paint cabinets,workbench, and all the wiring when I ran a sub panel to it. I built my gardens with old pressure treated decking, found buckets for mixing soil or planting herbs in. Of course I also pick up the scrap copper and other metal from the jobsite dumpsters. Its simple separate it and and bring to your scrapyard for some quick cash then right to the home center for soils, plants, seeds, and other supplies. Through the scavenging, occasional side job, buying and selling muscle car parts, and scrapping I never even touch my normal job money and always have some cash in my pocket. Just a little inginuity is all ya need.
Have to disagree with you boss, my old fella (pops) turned his hobby in to a great money making machine, his gravestone reads,,,

"Happy is the man who`s work is his hobby"

He loved his hobby & couldn't believe people paid him for doing it, and they paid him well, im not saying for one minute your going to make millions growing chilli`s, but if you can make a couple of quid doing what you like doing, fair play.


I don't disagree you can't turn a hobby into a business and it is one of life's goals to do what you love. That's not what I said. Once you make money it is not a hobby, it is a business. You've turned a hobby into a business. Career, small biz, side biz, weekend biz, whatever you call it is has surpassed hobby. :)

I agree. Semantics.
It's a hobby, and I'm an evangelist.
Make some hot wings for a football party out of powder you made. You will probably sell some powder and win another convert.
Extra peppers? Sell a sfrb or 2.
Give them away to friends. True friends will return, you can find the others in the hospital cursing your name.
Find the other 1,000 things to do with peppers. Pepper Vodka is a good start---helps you think of the other 999.
Plant many varieties and colors and be the talk of the garden club. Slip a few Trinidad Perfumes in the snacks to throw them off.

How to fund the hobby?
Cut back on another hobby.
I am with everyone suggesting cost cutting as a solid method of saving. After trying a "soilless" mix from the soil sticky thread and I am a convert. Per cubic foot it saved me double, at least, on what I had been spending on regular soil. AND the soilless mix was ridiculously light compared to my regular soil pots. I have yet to spend a lot on seeds as I kept myself from going wild and trying to grow 20 different varieties. I stuck to the three main types I wanted for cooking the ethnic dishes I like. I have over wintered my Bhuts, and grew a few from seeds I saved from last year. I plan on trying to over winter most if not all of my potted plants this year.
My other hobbies of:
Drag racing
Gun collecting

Make growing peppers sanely cheap.
Sound like me. I was gunsmithing at the time.
Ya like orchids ? In 1984 I went out to get da gf some flowers on Valentines day and found an orchid guy open.
I bough a couple and later a vacation package with an international orchid show to here.
21 years later and $1,000,000.... here I sit.
I sold everything . Guns, knives, drag bikes,cars, boat,airboat, buggy,house, businesses.
Thank you Dubya !

For an orchid beginner I recommend Dendrobium gatling sunray. ;) ;)
Just looking for ideas, not $$

I am looking forward to next season and am wondering what the best way to use the peppers that I grow to fund my growing each season.

Is it just selling SFRB's of various pods? Powders? Just hoping to not use my "real" money if possible, I assume someone here knows what I am talking about.

Thanks in advance


Next year you could plant seeds everywhere you go and go back to the spots later to get peppers
i work a lot of hours to so i feel you on that one and the wife does not enjoy the higher power bill from the lights i run. god idea find some people in your area. work nabor hood freinds that enjoy hot stuff and then when you have pods cut them in on some for a fair price. trying to sell them on line can have mixed results supper hot peppers seem to sell better then some of the other ones. maybe you can find a local farmers market or some thing. also lots of garden stuff goes on sale at the end of summer so as you are out and about look for sales.
If you change out all your other lightbulbs to LED then you won't have a problem. My electric bill is $100 a month for a 4 bedroom/basement with central air (electric) that the thermostat is set at 69 degrees (so it runs every day) with 3 HP servers in a rack on a UPS and about 10 other computers throughout the house.

All our lights are LED except the fixture in the diningroom uses CFL, it was a good bit of $ up front but our electric bills are half what they used to be.
Just looking for ideas, not $$

I am looking forward to next season and am wondering what the best way to use the peppers that I grow to fund my growing each season.

Is it just selling SFRB's of various pods? Powders? Just hoping to not use my "real" money if possible, I assume someone here knows what I am talking about.

Thanks in advance


Hobbies cost money. If you are making money from the hobby is it not a hobby anymore.

I make money on every hobby I have. Hobbies can get expensive, so finding ways to enjoy your hobby free, or even at a profit is a good thing. I have a few thousand dollars worth of r/c planes that I have less than a few hundred bucks invested in...all from rebuilding others (that nobody wanted to fix), and selling them. I'm enjoying a GREAT year in the garden...and it's all been at a profit (which I can reinvest into the pepper hobby)...just because I sold a bunch of sfrb's early in the season, and powdered everything that wasn't sent, or eaten.

Hobbies are something you do because you enjoy them...and if they can be free, or even profitable...that's even better. I think a lot of people have lost that spirit of resourcefulness, and rely too heavily on "invisible money" (credit cards) and elective debt to fuel their desires for shit they WANT...and don't actually need. I think your approach to this is prudent and responsible.
build a greenhouse (Polly Tunnels are inexpensive)
buy the worm factory 360 (makes worm juice and worm castings) (Free dirt, fertilzer and bacteria)
buy a wind or solar system (Free Electricity)
buy rain barrels (Free water)
Timers and CFL lights or HPS (Free heat in the winter)

Sell plants sell seeds sell hot sauce
I look for anything to cut costs, not even necessarily for peppers. I work on alot of residential and commercial jobsites and scrounge for different things. I 've outfitted my garage fully with lights, shelves, paint cabinets,workbench, and all the wiring when I ran a sub panel to it. I built my gardens with old pressure treated decking, found buckets for mixing soil or planting herbs in. Of course I also pick up the scrap copper and other metal from the jobsite dumpsters. Its simple separate it and and bring to your scrapyard for some quick cash then right to the home center for soils, plants, seeds, and other supplies. Through the scavenging, occasional side job, buying and selling muscle car parts, and scrapping I never even touch my normal job money and always have some cash in my pocket. Just a little inginuity is all ya need.

That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about! Hell...I live on a horse farm, and built 200' of pipe-rail fence for free...all I had to do was cut out over-built sections, panels, and stalls. One stall had sides with 7 rails per side...spaced less than a foot apart. I cut out 4 of the 7, and reused them...got over 100' of top rail doing that alone. This is how our great grandparents did things...back when they knew if they didn't take care of themselves...no one else would.
Make some fermenting crocks. Go on Youtube create a funny video showing how to use the crocks. $
Create LED light kits. " "
Make a portable garden. Rent to restaurants, weddings, cooking classes.
Make sip buckets put in plants and go to farmer's market selling the convenient, fertilized plants.
Every large city has an asian magazine, a latino magazine .. .. .. become a gardening reporter for that group. Make sure your psuedonym matches country of origin

Create a hybrid get patent take pretty picture and when one of the seed companies copies picture sue them mercilessly

Have tasting evenings video tape them and report the findings. charge people for the tastings, advertise on the videos, write about it in the food magazine. Tell participants they can wear a hat promoting or t-shirt promoting whatever. One thing i would like to do is try different peppers in beer.

Create a chile swap meet. have chile heads sell their chile's and chile wares. Trade plants etc. tasting competitions. Speakers, prizes chile-hats for the kids chile balloon animals

Go to a park without drinking fountains give away free super hots and charge for milk or water.

Do this. Take 4 plants grown under the same conditions then take two and give them some treatment (additive, light, spray) and dont do anything with the other two. Create a website where you post these picture but if people want to know what the treatment is or details they have to pay 50cents for each example.
That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about! Hell...I live on a horse farm, and built 200' of pipe-rail fence for free...all I had to do was cut out over-built sections, panels, and stalls. One stall had sides with 7 rails per side...spaced less than a foot apart. I cut out 4 of the 7, and reused them...got over 100' of top rail doing that alone. This is how our great grandparents did things...back when they knew if they didn't take care of themselves...no one else would.
What alot of people dont realize is this is truly recycling. Alot of people want new cars every few years, I got a twenty y/o cherokee that costs alot less to operate per month,including repairs, gas, maintenece than even a ford focus payment per month. Don't get me wrong I'm not cheap, I just know where I'd rather put my money.....like a 90 minute ipa...lol.