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Bhut Jolokia Producer

Hi folks, does anyone know of a farmer/grower anywhere outside of India (preferably North America) that can produce large quantities of Bhut Jolokia Peppers?

Any ideas/comments are welcome.

P.S. - By large I mean 200lbs every 3 months.
I sure as the heck don't...I am struggling to figure out how I am going to be able to provide 10 lbs a week of 6 different varieties Sept/Oct/Nov...I don't think I am going to be able to make it unless I expand my operation and rent some land...then that means I won't be able to watch my plants every second, will have to travel to the grow site, have to hire help...and I am not up for starting a new "career" since I just retired...

If you figure you can get 1.5 lbs of pods per plant, you are talking a huge number of plants to do that and if you are really talking about every three months, you would have to have several huge greenhouses....

you would probably have to contact a commercial grower and contract the work to be done...IMO
Heaps cheaper from india. If you don't need the actual pods buy the puree.

~$30 a kilo. Otherwise you are going to have to plant your own field like AJ said.
^^ What he said. ^1000

If I could do what you are after I not only would but I'd be on some mega awesome chilli growing TV channel with a completely stupid but smug look on my face*.

* After a few home crafted beers hoped with Galaxy anyways.......
I think the every 3 months would be quite difficult even for large growers, unless you'll take dried pods too
In North America, I think you would have to be somewhere like southern Arizona, Texas or even Florida to produce a crop every 3 months. Also you would have to be planting new seeds every coupld weeks to keep the flow going. And then there is the space and time it would take to grow them, it would be a 7 day a week job and that would be the only job, not to mention the ACRES of land its gonna take to do it.

What do you want so much for anyways? LOL Are you trying to make your own line of military/police grade pepper spray with Bhuts???