chinense Bih Jolokia from Pepperlover

I have grown them in the past. I do not believe they taste like an annuum. I have heard that they are considered the best tasting Jolokia. I liked them very much and they were prolific for me. It is plenty hot.
Good Luck
I have never heard of them tasting like an annuum. They taste like a bhut to me. Mine will me ripe in a bit, I will do a taste test with all of my annuums to see which one of them "tastes like a bih jolokia".
I forgot to mention that my seeds came from fresh non-isolated pods I got from Judy a few years back.  They grew true as well as the Chocolate Bhuts.
I have ordered these as well from and they are currently being shipped. It's the first time I have ordered from America. All my other seeds have been sent to my parent's address in Britain and I'm still waiting for them to forward them. I'm going for small productive superhots so I can find something worthwhile for the kitchen windowsill. I also ordered CAP 691 for the same reasons.
I think I saw some Bih Jolokia in the market in Munich the last time I went but I bought the normal Naga Jolokia instead. On reflection I should have bought the Bih Jolokia then I could have tasted them and also have harvested the seeds from them.
Sorry to highjack this a bit, but anyone have info one Phiringa Jolokia? Bih or Bhut relative? Something else entirely?
I grew Bih Jolokias a couple years ago (seeds from pepperlover). They looked, smelled, and tasted like bhuts to me. Just smaller. Prolific plants.
Nigel said:
Sorry to highjack this a bit, but anyone have info one Phiringa Jolokia? Bih or Bhut relative? Something else entirely?
From online seed stores:

Phiringi Jolokia is native to Assam, India. Its form is unusual for a Jolokia and therefore Phiringi means 'foreign'.
Species: Capsicum Annuum
Name: Phiringi Jolokia
is an annuum and probably way milder than bhuts.
Superhot with annuum flavor sounds too good to be true to me (i'm not a big fan of chinense taste). I'm trying with some promising crosses...