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harvesting billyboys harvest

After seeing bents nice piccy I thought I better keep up with the Jones' & post my little harvest 14.1.08


from the bottom clockwise;

dirt Nagas
Scotch Bonnets
hydro green Nagas, knocked off while picking pods
Fatalii, just starting to get pods off these plants now
Paper Lantern
Caribbean Red Hot, these taste so good & smell amazing (better than Fatalii IMO)
Orange Habenero
Chocalate Habenero
& centre stage
hydro Naga Morich

What's with you Australians and your wooden tables? :lol:
1. Very tasty, err... I mean nice harvest.
2. You got yourself some really long orange habs there.
3. The caribbean reds look more like red savina.
4. Hydro nagas are beautiful, but a naga is still a naga. I'm more of a dirt person myself.
all I can say is NICE..............
Omri said:
What's with you Australians and your wooden tables? :lol:
1. Very tasty, err... I mean nice harvest.
2. You got yourself some really long orange habs there.
3. The caribbean reds look more like red savina.
4. Hydro nagas are beautiful, but a naga is still a naga. I'm more of a dirt person myself.

Does OMRI mean "incredibly observant one" lol.

A couple of those orange habs are awfully long. Not a bad thing, just curious.
That looks like fire..................
holy crap...hows the dried pod business going Billyboy?
I might have to get some for the HSFF festival.

Glad I bought the 9 tray dehydrator model, shes working overtime:P

Got some requests for Naga concentrate too, so in the process of brewing that up! :mouthonfire:
I can see it on every chilliheads wish list.

when you absolutely positively have to kill every muthaF*&^** in the room..