Black Chiltepins

I hope I'm posting this in the right section.
The shop I sell my chili starts to told me that they have had customers asking for black chiltepin (aka Pima Bajo) plants.  I would like to add these to my list, but I have had no luck finding any seeds available on the Internet.  
Does anyone here know where I can find these seeds?  Any help will be appreciated.
i got seeds this season, i will share with both of you
just PM me your address.

this was one of the best tepins i ever tried

any spare that you can post to the uk judy?
i will send you some as well

this tepin variety is different than others in many ways  
the color of the leafs is on the white silvery side.
the plant growing habit is shorter than the rest of the tepins, 
the stems look similar to Goat's weed. fine fuzz 
so you start wondering if there is a connection between the Goat's weed and the Pima Pajo even they are from two different regions but they have similar features.
very interesting wild chile for sure.   
chilli whisperer said:
Why are they so popular with some people?
Chiltepins? They are amazing great flavor perfect heat and really interesting growth habits usually really productive. Relatively easy to grow what more could you ask for?
Interesting pepper, especially since it's a wild. I've heard about them before. How do they taste? My plates too full this season to grow them. I'll have to keep an eye on people's grows. Judy is certainly generous.