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Black leaves after transplant?

Ok I just built some very nice raised beds and decided to move some ghost peppers that were already in the ground into the raised bed. My in ground soil has a fairly high clay content so I figured they would do better in the nice soil of the raised bed. I dug them up and moved them and the following day several of the leaves on all 8 of the plants have some black spots on them. Not all the leaves but probably about 10-20 percent. The rest of the leaves look pretty good. Plants are about a foot high at this time.

My question is what would cause this? Will they most likely survive? Thanks!
watch them. See if it gets worse Could be a type of transplant shock. The plant will probably bounce back. Without knowing you conditions make sure keep the water up till you see new growth, which indicates that the root system is thriving.

If spots persist, check with local nursery about a bug that maybe cause it.

good luck.

Pictures would help. Also the general size of the spots. Could be a fungus in the new soil transfered to the leaves or something, but I don't think it would happen that fast...

Or it could just be specs of dirt from watering the soil up on your leaves. :-P