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Black Pearl

I am steadily becoming a bigger and bigger fan of this little firecracker! I canned several of these earlier this year and let me tell you, they work good with about anything. Here I am eating some Zatarins Dirty Rice with a few little firecrackers mixed in. They really give what would be an ordinary bland dish a much needed kick in the right direction. Any of you all ever use these for anything else?

Right on, i always pull them off i never even tried one lol assumed they'd be woody. What they taste like?
To be honest I never did eat one LOL. Everyone in these parts always told me to leave the stem on when pickling and I never questioned it. Not sure what the reasoning is but hey, if it works dont fix it has always been my motto
Ya, remove the stems. Will lend to less "off tastes".

Never did like the Black Pearls. Great heat, beautiful plant, not very flavorful/bland.
fineexampl said:
Hooray black pearls!! They do sure sneak up on ya, don't they?
Hell yeah they do! For some reason I cant take their heat as good as I can a Habanero. It doesnt make sense but these little dudes literally light me up for some reason or at least the ones I have do. I'll be growing more of them for nect year just for the fun of it ;)
not a big fan..

grew them as a ornamental for the greenhouse and a few for myself but found them full of seeds and not alot of heat .

also very small .

this year tepin peppers will fill the black pearl pot
I also found the black pearl full of seeds & small not worth the effort to deal with them, heat was ok, taste was ok at best.

my black pearl pods never turned fully red, they always had the black/purple tint to them, mixed with red.
imaguitargod said:
Ya, remove the stems. Will lend to less "off tastes".

Never did like the Black Pearls. Great heat, beautiful plant, not very flavorful/bland.

Ye was not massively impressed with taste but they are a lovely plant to look at and at least the pods have a nice heat and just make the most lovely ornamental pot plant :hell:
BrianS said:
Mine all turned bright red but yeah they are full of seeds for sure
I never got enough unripened black ones at one time. i was going to make black powder.

i got a bunch of redripe ones. i still have a few on there now under an agro-bulb. i'm hoping for mad growth on the sucker.