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Blueberry / Kiwi, my first hot sauce

Mostly just used what I already had at home to see if I could get a grip of it... what I was most worried about was consistency and the balance of water vinegar, I added that as I was going so so I am not sure how much I added.

Chocolate and Orange habs, 1 Bhut. Home grown stalks of celery, why not? Not pictured -  a lime  :rolleyes:

I removed the seeds since I am not yet on the same level as the rest of you guys.


Blueberries and kiwis separately, Ill add everything here after and just blend for about 5 minutes and check the consistency / taste. 

Need to cool these down and let them be for a while... will update with proper taste in a week. But for now they have an immediate taste of kiwi and sweetness (from the honey) followed by an immediate front tongue burn.. I find it quite spicy. Not sure what I will use it for right now, Ill think of something. Edit: and a blueberry aftertaste after the burn ends.