• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bluemeanietsi's "late to the game" Glog 2013 style

Got into this a little late and the seeds were purchased off of eBay (before I knew about this site) so for all I know these are all green bell peppers haha.

As I stated in my newbie thread this is the greenhouse I built/work in progress. Right now they are spending the nights inside as it's still warm during the day. I have other flowers in there that will be moving indoors soon to make more room.


Here's what I have so far, I plan to keep up with updates hopefully I get some exciting pods from these:

Here are my "Bhut"s a little over a month old:


These are my "7 Pots" a few weeks old now:



These are supposed to be "Thai Peppers" which started showing flower buds this week:





Here is my only scotch bonnet that survived, the others were eaten so I'm not sure if I'll get anything off this one or not:


It's late in the year but I'm going to try to keep these guys growing in the greenhouse and maybe have a winter harvest :) Otherwise it's a learning experience until the growing season starts next year and I start the remaining seeds.

I have some "Butch T"s that popped up last week I have to get photos of too, they're about 1" tall now.
Adding a preliminary LED pic. I need to get more LEDs still and 2 of them were bad so I'm short a row of red right now.

So far I have 10x3WR 10x1wR, 6x1WB and 3x3wB. I will be adding another 10x1wR. When I moved the light in the room last night some of the plants were angled towards where the old CFL bulbs were, they are now straight.

Albino Oscar, jack Dempsey, black shark, sun catfish, blue lobster, pirahna

I had a Midas in a 75 gallon before. That thing was smarter than most dogs!!! I taught him a couple tricks,he taught me a few also. Like how to jump out of a dead sleep into a karate stance at 2:00 am. He used to attack the condensation on the hood and it would sound like a gun going off. Never saw a fish take a 15x15 room as his own before. Datnoids are the only thing I would own after having SA cichlids.

My 5 year old dovi died over the weekend. He was over 16 inches long.

Sorry to hear that. That is a nasty fish!!!
Ok, confused here a bit, is a Dovi the same as an Oscar?

That Tom looks like it wants to jump in between a couple of slices of breat with some friends. :)
It's called a Zebra tomato, I think they ripen even darker I'm not sure since these are taking a long time to ripen.

Also good news is after some massive trimming from the Bhut I overdosed with ferts and losing all its leaves, i trimmed it back and it has new growth all up the stem.
Adding some new pics of my peach ghost scorps:

Here is the oldest at about 2 weeks now:


The new growth was actually curled up quite a bit and i was worried i was missing something in nutes, then I looked and saw that the water level was a good bit away from where the roots were so I raised the level up to just below the bottom of the root system.

this is how it looks 2 days later:

About 1.5 weeks since sprouting:

1 week:

The indoor setup:


So I have one white 7 indoors and one out in a greenhouse, they sprouted at the same time and the one inside is a good bit larger so I'm pretty sure my LED lights are working pretty well.
Adding some updated pics. Curious bow 2 plants started in the same solution that sprouted at the same time have such color differences. Also the new growth on the one is light green as well


So I switched over to melted snow instead of my well water to see if I got better results, I must say they're a much darker green and have grown quite a bit since I did this earlier this week. So now I'm collecting snow in a 55gal drum to melt inside while we have over 12" of it lol.


