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Brazilian Starfish...last chance :(

I had 9 seeds of this and have tried twice (3 seeds at a time) to germinate these, with no luck. I have germinated EVERY other variety I have wanted to but these will not cooperate. I sowed my LAST 3 seeds tonight, so if this doesn't work they will not be grown this year. I can't understand why this variety won't germinate...but I guess it is what it is. Happy growing my friends...I'll let you know IF they do anything.
Your problem is that you care too much.  Peppers can sense this, and it disgusts them.
You see, the pepper's whole reason for being is because Mother Earth hates you and wants to hurt you.  When you send out your "care waves", the seeds shrivel up and die.  What you need to do is start flicking the cup whenever you walk by.  Tell them to hurry up and die, because you need the cup.  Yell out vegetationally-insensitive insults at 3 AM.  They will pick up on the animosity and grow with a vengeance, reaching their tiny leaved limbs ever so slowly towards your throat.
My first year growing, I bought trinidad scorpions and chocolate habs.  Picked up some ornamental purples for the wife and got a free packet of jalapeno and serrano seeds.  I ate zero trinidad scorpion and chocolate hab peppers that year.  Serranos and jalapenos were tasty, I guess, and even the ornamentals were decent.  They grew like weeds because I didn't give a crap about them, but those damned scorps/habs knew I wanted them and spat upon my dreams from the blackest, most withered depths of their souls.
ajijoe said:
if I where you I would try to get so fresh seed from another source before it was too late
+1 - Joe is like Yoda, wise he is
You could try some GA3 - I have enough to spare and can send you some if you want to give it a try
impending_bending said:
+1 - Joe is like Yoda, wise he is
You could try some GA3 - I have enough to spare and can send you some if you want to give it a try
or you could try me i have them
10 for a dollah!!
pm me if your interested
thanks IB
thanks your friend Joe
Wulf said:
Your problem is that you care too much.  Peppers can sense this, and it disgusts them.
You see, the pepper's whole reason for being is because Mother Earth hates you and wants to hurt you.  When you send out your "care waves", the seeds shrivel up and die.  What you need to do is start flicking the cup whenever you walk by.  Tell them to hurry up and die, because you need the cup.  Yell out vegetationally-insensitive insults at 3 AM.  They will pick up on the animosity and grow with a vengeance, reaching their tiny leaved limbs ever so slowly towards your throat.
My first year growing, I bought trinidad scorpions and chocolate habs.  Picked up some ornamental purples for the wife and got a free packet of jalapeno and serrano seeds.  I ate zero trinidad scorpion and chocolate hab peppers that year.  Serranos and jalapenos were tasty, I guess, and even the ornamentals were decent.  They grew like weeds because I didn't give a crap about them, but those damned scorps/habs knew I wanted them and spat upon my dreams from the blackest, most withered depths of their souls.
Best reply ever.
I got lucky and scored an established plant from the local market, even better it came with all of these.


ikeepfish said:
The shape kind of reminds me of Aji Dulce...are they hot?
I grew them and found the flavor real similar to bishops hat.  Same with the rain forest.  You should be looking at around 30 K on the heat give or take.  I don't think they quite make the cayenne level.  At least mine didn't. 
I do notice the annuum calyx on the above pods now.  I'm slowly picking up on these things the longer I post here.  It seems every time I log in I hear about a new breed.  Brazilian Starfish sounds like it could be pretty cool and doing a quick image search they look great.
I have hundreds of Aji Dulce seeds right now, they're basically chinense bell peppers though.