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Brito's Pepper Plantation

Brito's Pepper 2010 Plantation

Hello friends,
As I promised, I am starting my 2010 diary here in thehotpepper.
But before showing you the peppers that I'm growing, I first want to show my small farm to all of you.
Please click on this link to see my little paradise.
( http://picasaweb.google.com.br/britopepper/BritoSPepperLittleFarm?feat=directlink )
Soon I'll be creating a link to show my hot little girls.
Also, I will be posting here all the fruits and vegetable which I am growing.
Take care all of you.
You have a beautiful home Brito. I would love to live in a place where I could grow my own fruit. Good luck with your peppers.
Some very exotic fruit you have. Looking forward to seeing your grow this season.

You must have a few gardeners helping with the maintenance of that beautiful place.
Thanks Patrick,
Really is a great pleasure to grow our own fruit, you can feel the difference in the taste of fruit that you take from those which we buy in supermarkets.
I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time and now I am realizing my dream.
take care.
Most fruits from my daily are originating from Brazil and they often are not known in the world.
I only have a helper with the maintenance of the farm service and the wife of him helps my wife with the housework.because it is not so big on the other hand, I also like to be moving in the soil.
Want an example? I'm building a chicken coop, I could pay for an expert to do this but I want the pleasure of doing this with my own hands.
Thanks for visiting.
Hey Brito. Nice pictures. It must be nice to live ina climate like Brazil. I jealous and envious of you. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of your peppers. The fruits in the pictures look great. Never heard of any of them except the watermelon, but I bet they taste great. Good luck.
Vladan my friend,
It is a great pleasure to see you visiting my new diary.
Soon I will be creating an album with pictures of my planting tomatoes donated by you.
Take care my friend.
Hello chillihead,
I have nothing to complain about the climate of Brazil, you do not need no jealousy or envy because I believe that you living in the Southern U.S climate should not be much different, just a little cooler for sure.
About my peppers, I am preparing to post a Picasa album here.
Thanks for visiting and I hope we can exchange lots of information.
Hello friends,
I have already started my picasa 2010 peppers photos, just click on this link below to see some of my babies, I will be updating by the time I get more girls.
A huge hug for all of you.
Very nice little farm you have there my friend.
I'm impressed with the different types of fruit you are growing, must keep you very busy along with the Peppers.

Those Murupi also look absolutely fantastic:drooling:

Have a great growing season,
very beatiful Brito. The photos are outstanding and nice piece of land you have. Wish i was in Brazil right now. World cup coming up for football cant wait!! Even though Canada has no team.
Thank you my friend, for sure I need a lots of luck not only for my dream but, also for keeping this place.
Thanks for visiting.
HawaiiAl said:
Great pictures of farm and peppers lots of luck in completion of your Dream