pests Broad Mites or some other pest?

Does anyone know if these look like broad mites or maybe some other pest?  Been having the leaves on my jalapeno plant looking all curled up and been trying to trouble shoot.  Today I pulled off a leaf and photographed the underside and this is what I see.  Kinda looks like tiny little crystals or balls that are lightly colored.  To the naked eye they kinda look like little dust particles.  Here is what I can see with the photo:
The honorable GA Growhead seems to be least they look very much like mine did when they had edema (and was diagnosed by the very same forum member IIRC :))
+ 1 Yes sir too much water equals Edema
Well then. I seem to have a problem. If a plant is allowed to wilt slightly between watering, how does it get edema? Def not mites after all the treatments they went through.
Agreed with edema, I've read that letting plants dry out too much then saturating them with water can cause the roots to wick up more water than the plant loses through the leaves causing the cells to grow and some times even burst.
Yeah unless they're tiny dots darting around like loons they're not broad mite. Broad mites never stand still in my experience. 
Is edema a big problem or just cosmetic? I always just considered it one of those things you get when you grow chillies in the UK climate...