bronze colored leaves

i am growing an amazon rainforest in my apartment right now and other than fungus gnats, i never see any bugs.  however, some of the leaves are getting crispy and scrunchy, and the more severe ones drop their flowers.  i notice everytime i water the plants no matter how dry the pot/soil is, the leaves get pissed off and turn crunchy and get loaded with edema blisters.  maybe there is still too much nitro in the soil and when i water it further spreads out more nitro burning the plants?  they dont seem to ever wilt though from lack of water theyre in 7-gallon smart pots never been outside grown from seeds under lights.  i have been noticing on some of the leaves, a bronze color forming on the leaves.  
what is this bronze stuff on some of the leaves, i dont see any bugs no matter how small on the backsides of the leaves[user]=144166394&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1[user]=144166394&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0 (scrunchy leaves)[user]=144166394&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0 (bronze)
what is the bronze stuff?
EvanWilliams1988 said:
How's the drainage in your pots?
theyre 7 gallon smartpots good soil drainage, 1/3 compost 1/3 organic potting, 1/3 perlite plus some sand and a bunch of earthworm castings, worms crawling around inside the pots
chins like to wrinkle up like that when they get real hot. see what the canopy temperature is... much above 90 degrees and some chins just do it non stop.
could also be calcium.
back your lights off like 4 inches untill the scalding stops, and maby introduce a fan if none is present atm.
judging by the rest of your plants( look very good)  im guessing its just the chins getting pissy about the canopy temps.

some chins will also wrinkle up a little in perfect conditions... just depends on the cultivar really.
queequeg152 said:
chins like to wrinkle up like that when they get real hot. see what the canopy temperature is... much above 90 degrees and some chins just do it non stop.
could also be calcium.
back your lights off like 4 inches untill the scalding stops, and maby introduce a fan if none is present atm.
judging by the rest of your plants( look very good)  im guessing its just the chins getting pissy about the canopy temps.

some chins will also wrinkle up a little in perfect conditions... just depends on the cultivar really.
thanks just did, any idea on that insect? carpet beetle?