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Bummed- too few super hots again this year

Now that I can call most of my germination over I am bummed with my numbers. Not that anyone has contacted me about buying them but I guess I assume people will want to buy sometime before June. I saved my own bhut seed and it did ok but only ended up with about 1 dozen. I received some Naga Dorset in a trade and the 4 seeds I got sprouted. I also received 7 pot barackpore in a trade and those 4 seeds sprouted. But the kid I traded with for butch T and moruga sent me 'potato chip crumbles' for seeds and none have come up. Also none of my habaneros germinated either and I assume people will ask for some. I think that was old seed from a trade that was not viable. Now of course it is about too late to start any more if I did have more seeds. The one kid I traded with for the 'potato chips' said he would send more and never did.
On the bright side I plan to save my own seed from all and have plenty for next season. :halo:
sorry about your luck. always sucks to get your hopes up. I had quite a few seeds not do any thing this year as well. i think i will try to stock up on seeds for nex year.
You sound like a young entrepreneur hoping to make bank growing superhot peppers. Good for you. Some advice, you have to spend money to make money. Instead of trading with people you don't know for seeds find a reputable seller and buy a few packs. You'll know what you're starting with and those businesses have a vested interest in keeping you, the customer, happy so you shouldn't have any problems getting good seeds.

You still have time to start some habanero's I think. Good luck!
Oh I am not making much selling a couple super hots. I sell peps and tomatoes among other plants but make my living selling veggies. Anyway I like to have some superhots for people to buy. My plan was for a small amount of some this year and to save seeds, thus eliminating the need to buy. I have bought and now saved bhuts but sort of had people offer the other hots and yes those trades didn't go so well. :rolleyes:
too bad, ive lost a couple plants this year too. of the 8 maruga scorpions i started 6 geriminated, and 2 have since died. so far my orange scorpion seems to be doing the best. all have germinated and i havent lost any.....i will def save as many seeds as a can this year and hopfully help out some unlucky growers next year. best of luck, and dont give up!
Remember, super hots can take quite awhile to germinate, so don't give up hope yet!! Keep the faith! :halo: ..The kid that you traded with, is he on THP? I certainly hope not!!
It's the same. 2 Dorsets, about 12 bhuts, 4 Barackpore (that name is scaring off buyers around here- racists) and 1 Butch T.
No Kyle never reconciled the situation with my broken and no good seeds.
sorry about your bad trades i have had a few back in the day but you shouldnt have much if any at all here :)
good luck with your buisness :)

Alex @^_^@
update is that nobody is ordering superhots from me this year. I have enough even though I had wanted more. LOL. I better put out more advertisements.
Someone just ordered 10 bhuts and maybe I can get him to buy the 2 remaining Barracks too. I also just brought my wintered over bhut home from my mom's. I sprayed it good with Safer spray since it had a few ahpids. Then I put it in the greenhouse and the lady bugs found it. I brought it in the house for 2 days because the greenhouse will be too cold since it is to snow tonight and freeze Monday night. I wrapped it in row cover to keep the cats from chewing and maybe any remaining aphids will stay on it instead of migrating across the basement to my seedlings.