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hot-sauce Cajohn's Trinidad Hot Sauce

Hi Everyone,

First of all, I just wanted to say that the opinions that I give on this product are mine and mine only. Readers may be surprised at some of my statements because this sauce gave them a different experience as opposed to mine.

I ordered the Trinidad Sauce from Cajohn's website directly. The reason mainly because I thought it would be a step up from the Tropical Peppers Ghost Sauce. Well, I got it and gave it a shot. The aroma is very habanero like. Flavor is great. I could eat this all day. Now, here is where I was disappointed: the heat factor. The heat was not much greater than a lot of habanero sauces and nowhere near the Tropical Peppers Ghost Sauce, for me anyway. I don't know. Is it because I got a weaker batch? Or do scorpion peppers lose their heat when put in sauce more than nagas do. Either way I was really really shocked. I bought a container of milk prior to trying it thinking I was going to burn up. Unfortunately the milk wasn't needed and frankly not even water was needed really. Don't get me wrong, I recommend this product, especially for those who want the flavor of moruga scorpion without getting devoured. Me, I just wanted more punch.

Verdict: Heat 6.6/12, Flavor 9/10
Try their pure extract for heat! They were the best booth last year at the Fiery Foods Show. I did the challenge it was great till the 3 Million extract at the end. Looking foward to this years show, espically since they teamed up with Puckerbutt!