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Can anyone ID these peppers??

Hey all, I've got a few mystery peppers to be identified...

The seed for this plant was labeled as bhut, and it was very similar to all of my other bhut plants in the early stages. It wasn't until the pods set and were smaller as well as a much darker green that I realized they were not actually bhuts.




This one I have no idea, except that it was part of pepperjoe's caribbean blend

Here's a picture of the first 'official' harvest. I've managed to eat quite a few of them straight off the plant, but this is the first true harvest. I have no idea about the two versions of "firecrackers" as sold by pepper joe, same seeds different pods. Same goes for the fake taz habs.
Tazmanian Hab.(2) 'Fake' Bhut Jolokias(13) Actual Bhut Jolokia's
FirecrackerA(5) Firecracker B(8) Thai Sun
Fake TazHab A (1) Mystery Pepper(1) Peter Pepper(1) Fake TazHab B(1)
Hey all, I've got a few mystery peppers to be identified...

The seed for this plant was labeled as bhut, and it was very similar to all of my other bhut plants in the early stages. It wasn't until the pods set and were smaller as well as a much darker green that I realized they were not actually bhuts.

Looks likes it's from that family, if not a bhut jolokia maybe a bih jolokia or Dorset Naga?

This one I have no idea, except that it was part of pepperjoe's caribbean blend

Looks like a Pequin Firecracker.
They "may" also be a Bhut cross, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'd isolate a few flowers to prevent further crossing and harvest the isolated flowers/pods for seed to plant next year.

If they turn out exactly the same next year then maybe they weren't a cross after all.
What are you guys talking about? they look EXACTLY like Bhuts. they even look more Bhut-ish than his "Actual Bhut Jolokia's".
No one said they don't look like bhuts other than the OP..the skin looks a little less bumpy than the average bhut but that's about it...if it's not a bhut than it must be one of the other closely related strains (bih, dorset naga, naga morich, etc). Kind of a crap shoot telling those apart anyway.
They're all pretty much the same. the extremely minor potential differences are not something worry about.
Nice healthy plants....good work, the pods definitely look "Nag-ish" the're similar to any of my Morich's dark green smoother looking pods, probably has thicker skinned compared to the Bhut's I'm growing (brown and red) which start out light green but have thin walls,and slightly more rough in appearance, what your growing is probably just as hot!
They don't look like a Bhut to me, but there are a few different Bhut types out there - so maybe. I grew Bhuts, Dorset Naga and Bih Jolokia in 2009. My guess would be Dorset Naga. Here's a link to my pod pics.


Yeah that's kind of what I was thinking. They look a little smooth and uniform for bhuts, but with some many bhut types going around who knows. I'm sure some shady individuals have sold Dorset Naga/Bih/Naga Morich pods/seeds as bhuts because they're more prolific in order to make more money too, the whole situation is pretty murky. Probably best to get seeds from The CPI if you want to make sure what you're growing is 100% bhut jolokia. I think that's what I'm going to do next year. Not that it matters much to me anyway, they're all very similar in flavor and heat, but I would like to have a few of the real deal going.
Honestly the 5 flower per node and chubby little pods look like the Bangladeshi strain. it was scattered around several years ago under the name "Naga Morich". it doesn't really matter... it is a Bhut, Bih, Naga, Raja or whatever you want to call it. stop being petty.

BTW I honestly think the Dorset Naga is a total BS. renaming chiles is just wrong.
Thanks for all the input. I only came up with my "non-bhut" diagnosis because the pods were vastly different from my 7 other plants, which I assumed were pure.

I'm really not TOO worried about what exactly they are, I just didn't want to go around mislabeling them any further, and to me they seemed far too different from my other pods to call the same name.

On a side note, they are indeed way too hot for me to have chewed up half a pod. Flavor was incredible, extremely fruity. The heat was even more incredible, much more than enough for me :mouthonfire:
"Flavor was incredible, extremely fruity. The heat was even more incredible, much more than enough for me"

it reads here like you got a great pepper for your pleasure,
the genetics are controlled by which pollen grain hit whichever ovum :crazy:
there is a mutation "built" into chilis as well as the indiscriminate breeding ability :dance:
the way we have any/everything except the "wilds" is in fact some 'helpful' crossing?
the insects, the wind, and sometimes the farmer all toss the mix around

i think they all look yummy seam dude, looks like a job well done, congrats :woohoo: