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fermenting Can I add coconut milk to a ferment?

I've been thinking about making a Thai-style fermented hot sauce.  Can I add coconut milk in with the peppers and garlic?  I know there isn't any dairy in coconut milk, but it's pretty thick stuff with a lot of saturated fat so I'm not sure what it will do to the ferment.  
From what I know, oils in a ferment don't really work. Others with more experience can add to this but I think your best bet would be to add the coconut milk after the ferment process. Coconut water may work as the oils content is very diluted, yet you still get the flavor.
Hawaiianero said:
From what I know, oils in a ferment don't really work. Others with more experience can add to this but I think your best bet would be to add the coconut milk after the ferment process. Coconut water may work as the oils content is very diluted, yet you still get the flavor.
I've run successful ferments that included roasted garlic, which did have some oil in it, but I'm in agreement with Hawaiianero on this one. Coconut milk strikes me as something that could very easily get a lot funkier than you'd like. I'd ferment my mash, then drain it and run it in the blender with some lime juice to lower the pH and reinforce that Thai flavor profile you're going for, and maybe some fresh cilantro and ginger, then proceed as normal.

That said, There are people on here with a lot more fermenting experience than me. If they say otherwise, go with what they say.