• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

preservation Can oxidation be prevented?

The sauces I made last year have turned brown. I store then in pint jars inside a cabinet.

They smell okay but they're not very appetizing.

We have a vacuum sealer with an attachment for jars. Would that help? Or should I just not expect the sauce to store for so long?

So many freaking peppers! :)
Just a salt brine fermentation and cayenne peppers. Vinegar to achieve
pH 3.4. Put into sanitized Ball jars with rings and lids.
But not water bath canned or vacuum sealed.
If you seal properly and use ascorbic acid you protect the color before as well as after it has been opened. Acetic acid (vinegar) does not suffice. In fact, acetic acid is not technically an antioxidant.