health Can someone tell me whats wrong with my baby plants?

Hello everyone!  I planted some seeds in the fall to get started over the winter. I am having problems with two plants getting brown streaks on the leaves and just generally being weird as hell.  Any idea of what I need to do? I have looked for bugs multiple times and I don't see any, but they could be hiding when I come around for all I know.  :confused:
The plants are not underneath lights, but I do take them outside when its above 55 which has been every day but one week this winter. 
All the plants. From left to right- Chocolate Hab, Orange Hab, Reaper, Serrano, Poblano

This issue on the Chocolate Hab leaves. 

Same thing on the Poblano

And is this reaper leaf normal looking?

Thank you all for the help!!
Maybe leave them inside in a bright window....get it?....leave them.....funny stuff
That would be my first guess, dont know if all the moving is shocking them, they dont love 55 degrees
yeah that could be, i think i might see a yellow fert ball in the soil on one. if you just started them and they are in a soil with nutrients you have a good 3-6 months of slow release already in there. if your fertilizing stop and give the soil a few really good flushes with water and wait.
dont over work them!
good call Johnny and 
:welcome: both of you!
Thanks everyone for the responses. I do take them in and out but they are very babied. I also have never fertilized, they were planted in miracle gro potting soil and thats it.
I think you are being hyper-critical.  From that first picture, they all look lush and thriving to me.
Support them.  Don't over-think or over-love them.
Keep doing what your doing, and when the weather turns nice for good, put them outside (and if possible in the ground).
Plants are just like you, they are not perfect.  I see no overt signs of disease or infestation in any of those pictures... they look fantastic to me.
At this rate, those plants are going to produce oodles of pods next season.
Thanks for the help everyone. Im just going to leave them in the windows now instead of taking them in and out. I cant wait until the weather warms up and I get some pods!