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Can you I.D. my Chili?

As you can see the plants are ~18-24" in height. THe pods grow upwards and start yellow->orange->red. The flavor is similar to my Thai chilies but even better, hotter too! I got two plants as seedlings from my brotherin law but nobody seems to know the name of this variety. I was told it was from France :P


Any ideas? I love them, I am letting a few really ripen for seed....next season I will have a lot of these, I hope!
My guess is:  " PEP287 Thai Yellow Chili ( Chile Type Hot Pepper 5000-10000 SU ) The golden-yellow version of the Thai pepper. Fruit is also very hot and flavorful. Used less than the red chili, these are still seen in most every market in Thailand. Beautiful. Seed collected in Thailand."  -- www.seedman.com
Thanks. The images on Google show a longer and more tapered fruit, customary to what I would call "Thai" chili but these are shorter in length, fatter and more bullet shaped. From this page here http://www.seedman.com/pepper.htm and the description fits but the image is hard to see details.
PEP007 Super Chili Hybrid ( Chile Type Hot! Pepper 20000-40000 SU ) One of the most pungent chili peppers available. Very ornamental, semi-compact, 24" plant bearing 2-1/2" elongated fruits with plenty of chili pepper. Bred for increased yields.
Purira has purple blotches, yes? These do not. Even coloration whether it be pale yellow, orange or red (or anywhere inbetween) the entire fruit has consistant colored.
Trever1t said:
Ok, yeah. How hot are the Prarie Fire. These are much hotter than my Thai, at least 2x and way hotter than the store bought Thai.
I've never had them, but I've seen them.  According to a quick search they're anywhere from 30-70k
the main thing that makes me unsure is the pod size, those are really tiny, which made me lean towards prairie fire
ikeepfish said:
actually...scratch all of that, I think it's a lot more simple than that
what color are the flowers?
If I remember correctly they're white but I need to go and get a picture. I thought they might be Tabasco at first except for the heat. If store bought Thai are "X" my homegrown Thai are "2X" and these are at minimum twice as hot as the Thai I grow, if not more? Can you judge a chili by it's taste? :P
I'm pretty certain it's a tobasco plant. The leaves and structure look like c. frutescens. The color transformation, size, and erect pods are just like tobasco.

Trever1t said:
If I remember correctly they're white but I need to go and get a picture. I thought they might be Tabasco at first except for the heat. If store bought Thai are "X" my homegrown Thai are "2X" and these are at minimum twice as hot as the Thai I grow, if not more? Can you judge a chili by it's taste? :P
Yeah, if it's tobasco, you can tell by taste and other things. Tobasco is rather juicy. They also come off the calyx easily when ripe. In fact, it's hard to keep them on the calyx when picking them. I just pluck them without the calyx.
Calyx is a new term for me. If you mean the stem part that secures the pod to stem then no, these are on there pretty tight. They do look like Tobasco but the heat is more, quite a bit more than my Thai. The Bird's Eye that was originally suggested also looks identilcle to the tobasco? I have no flowers at this time, I just harvested a bunch off the plants this morning, hopeing I see some new flowering soon.