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Carnivorous Plants

lol naga of course.
yeah its a big bugger hopefully it will grow a little more too plenty of little heads comming.
hey ch piranhas are illegal in oz lol another crazy law. I think the idea is it would do very well in our water ways.
Ihad someof those monocolus ocerlarus (spelling) now they were illegal and damn big like a pit bull in water.... made water changes scary lol.

I'm gonna look into some nice vft types I smell dollars on the side lol.
I already sourced some small skull shaped pots .....
stillmanz said:
ok this is what the wife got me. I repotted it in a mix of peat and spaghmum moss gave it a huge drink, and a feed it ate 4 black bugs from the garden.
Spoted a newbie mistake there ;) When ever transplanting CP's wait at least 1 week before feeding them. They have to get used to the move and if they go into transplant shock and are eating, it has the chance of doing serious damage.

Also, do not OVER feed it. They can only handle so much nutrients at a time (ie: don't feed them 10 bugs and close all the traps ;) ).

stillmanz said:
I'm gonna look into some nice vft types I smell dollars on the side lol.
I already sourced some small skull shaped pots .....
Here's a GREAT source of CP's, Cook's Carnivorous Plants.

As for some cool VFT types: Red Dragon, Pirana, Bart Simpson (although, this one can't eat becaus4e of the traps).
stillmanz said:

I got in contact with these kind folk, they got an amazing selection.
Good site, lots of plants. Their pitcher plants seem pritty expensive though, and by pritty, I mean extremely, lol.

I noticed two things you should pick up, Cephalotus follicularis, and Dionaea muscipula 'Red Piranha'.

stillmanz said:
the variety I have is "Fang" thats what the tag said, nice example plant photo on this site.

A yes, Fang, I know it quite well. I had a plant of that one.
IGG - I looked at that 1 link you posted & it says the same thing about every VFT plant or whatever you want to call them.

what the biggest, meanest, cool looking VFT there is ?

whats the deal with pitcher plants ? something goes inside the pitcher & it closes the top & then kills & eats them ?
dont the animal just break or chew their way out of it ?
Forgive me in advance for the spelling errors....that beer's really taken hold of me.

chilehunter said:
IGG - I looked at that 1 link you posted & it says the same thing about every VFT plant or whatever you want to call them.
Slightly confused about what you mean. Did you mean it posted everything I've posted (same advice, etc?)

chilehunter said:
what the biggest, meanest, cool looking VFT there is ?
Meanest is "Cross Teeth" and alot of the blood read verieties (Red Dragon, Paranaha (sp?)) look really mean. Cool looking one for fun I would say is Bart Simpson (can't actually trap a bug but cool anyways). But what's really cool is when you get a mouth that's 2 inches + on a Southern Giant VFT that closes in a fraction of a second....what a sight

chilehunter said:
whats the deal with pitcher plants ? something goes inside the pitcher & it closes the top & then kills & eats them ?
dont the animal just break or chew their way out of it ?
Pitcher plants give off intesely bight UV light that attract bugs like no other CP out there. On top of that they secreat sugary substances mixed with toxins (termed "Nepenthes Drool") that also attract bugs (there are some medicinal qualities that are being researched on that as well). They are shapped like a pitcher of beer (for the lack of better description) and at the bottom are FILLED with a pool of digestive enzimes.

When the bug wonders up the pitcher and onto it's lips, the toxins paralize/dope up the prey and they fall into the liquid in the pitcher, drown, and are digested.

The top does not close so you can look in and watch all the fun go on over the next 3 days as the bug dissolves. Pitchers last much longer than VFT and Drosera leaves.

Also, pitcher plants are vining plants so in the rainforests that they are native too (well, the Nepenthes species that is...for the most part) climb up trees and can be very large.
GrumpyBear said:
i'm looking at 'sarracenia purpurea' any thoughts? its the kind they grow on nfld...

That was one of my first CP's waaaaaay back when (probably 12 years ago or so). They are neat in their own way (plus they have downward facing hairs on the inside so the bugs can't crwall back out easly).

I actually thing they are the least interesting (well, next to bladderworts). I would say their more "beauty plants" than anything.
imaguitargod said:
I would say their more "beauty plants" than anything.

that's how i plan to get away with putting them in my mum's flowerbed... she doesn't like me doing things like making a mini bog in her garden, no matter how facinating the plants are from a scientific point of view...
also it sounds like they're the most likely to survive outdoors...
imaguitargod said:
Slightly confused about what you mean. Did you mean it posted everything I've posted (same advice, etc?)

I meant the description of each plant is the same for all different plants.

well I dont think I'll be able to buy a VFT or some other kind like them until april/may for shipping reasons.
I put a order in for some cool VFT and some drosera (cool sundews) ... mainly because I'm a filthy capitalist and have some conections in the nursery and florest world.......moohahahhah lol there is very little variety availiable in nurseries particuliarly in Brisbane.
Here was my Carnivorous plant/carnivorous turtle ecosystem.

The tank filter was the kind that dumps water in at a pretty good pace.

I just stacked the rocks in the middle and let the water cascade off in 3 or 4 places. I placed the VFT and Pitchers so that their moss was just in the edge of the running water.

A tiny colony of tiny bugs moved in, so I never had to feed the plants.

The turtle ate 25 goldish a week.
Very cool set up.
did you grow any VFT? Thats kind of what I am starting in this year with some drosera, My friend at the nursery grows the big OZ pitchers someof them are cool as.

I wonder if they have a forum, lol...