chinense Carolina Reaper and Pepper Stabilization

i think what you say makes sense, both legally and from a "common sense" perspective. What I personally find "disgusting" is that they seem to use scare-tactics with lawyers ... similar to the music industry threatening to sue the bejeezus out of a 15 yr. old teenager ...
I think this kind of commercially/legally extremely aggressive behavior has not been seen in "pepper world" before - and I sure hope it will not be seen again ... I found most people here on THP extremely generous with others, sending seeds, and often being out-of-pocket.
I disliked the sales-pitch on PJ site (and his not-so-humble appearances here - when he still appeared) so much, I voted with my checkbook (didnt buy).
For me this is a textbook-example of how to NOT market a product - and it seems that the whole project was ill-conceived from the very beginning (when the pepper obv. did not test out as hot as it was sales-pitched). And from there things went south/sour.
Again, I have no dog in this fight - but I know whom I will buy peppers in the future and from whom not :D

Robisburning said:
Ocho Cinco, can you post images of your pods?  I suspect the lack of response is because your case is as it should be - true plants with good germ rates. Obviously your experience is positive, the question is how will the customer service be for those with less positive experiences.
yeah ... you (8-5) ordered/paid a Honda Accord and received one ... others were not so lucky and of course they are venting - which seems reasonable.
best regards,
Allot of good info here but honestly why so much worries on the legalities?
Nobody can be sued like some want to believe...
ask yourself this. Did youview and sign a contract which was provided prior to or at time of purchase?
If the answer is no then obviously no legal action can tale place against you or any other parties you may chose to give or sell YOUR property to.
With that said when my reaper starts podding I'd be more than happy to sell pods and seeds to anyone in need. And will laugh if threatened with a lawsuit sense my reaper plant I purchased come from Jim Duffy whose site also states nothing about limit of use or anything else.. nor anything mentioning the originator nor his site or anything other than a description of the product...
Really suprised at all the drama I've been seeing about this pepper its just a pepper for f**ks sake... smh

I would agree 100% with this statement. They can not sell you seeds then when harvest time comes say you can't sell the peppers you grew from the seeds you bought. With out you agreeing to this at the time the seeds were purchased.
I have several growing no pods yet but hope to have some soon have flowers on several plants now. I got some seeds from Ed and pepper Joe. Ed sent wrong seeds on first order but sent the right ones told me to keep the others. Don't know if they will end up being the worlds hottest or not. If not that is what they were advertised to be so before folks get lawyerd up they may want to think about that as there could easily be a class action suit the other way. I have and would buy seeds from Pepper Joe again always nice answered questions and went out of his way to take care of me so I have no problem with dealing with pepper Joe. Usually always sends free seeds with every order. I do have a problem if Ed is threatening folks trying to sell peppers from seeds they paid for with no contract saying they could not sell them. Don't think it has a rats ass chance in hell of holding up in court but if it is happening it is still wrong.

TBH I would like to know what Lawyers would say, to talk to a lawyer the first consulting is normally free, so if you want to sale the Reapers go talk to a lawyer/s and see what they say.   Ed might still try suing even if the Lawyers say he doesn't have a leg to stand on, but that's how it works.  I didn't buy any Reaper seeds, I didn't sign anything but if they are protected under law then even I could be sued if I sold Reaper's again how it works.  
Nobody that didn't sign a contract, enter into a verbal agreement or be made aware of the circumstances regarding the growing of the pepper via a legal document can be sued successfully (They may try but it will never stand and they will leave themselves open to counter lawsuits).  Everyone is getting far to wound up ... just trade, sell and grow and forget the legal implications ... they will never amount to anything as they stand now as you don't have a contract and they have no legal rights to your produce or products and have no rights to the name Carolina Reaper (which if you remember correctly was actually a name conceived via a thread on this very website by one of the members .... maybe they should be asking for royalties?? :D ) Anyway ... too much is being made of the legal side of this ...Maybe someone should patent rounded corners on a pepper/chilli .... it seems to stand up in court for apples ;) :rofl:
Seriously if someone wants to come and bust my balls because I sell a Carolina Reaper T-Shirt, sauce, marinade, powder, plants or pod ...then come get me... 
Trippa said:
Seriously if someone wants to come and bust my balls because I sell a Carolina Reaper T-Shirt, sauce, marinade, powder, plants or pod ...then come get me... 
They trademarked Smokin' Ed's Carolina Reaper and Carolina Reaper is NOT exclusionary, it is written in the disclaimer, so yes, you could. Has anyone heard of anyone being sued?? This is going a bit far now. Unless you've heard of a lawsuit, what is the point of all this? Your username is Trippa. If you want to TM Trippa's Habanero more power to you. Of course, the PTO would say that you do not have exclusive rights to Habanero alone. So you could only sue for the use of Trippa's Habanero. Which makes sense! So why all this mess over his TM? It's just his name COMBINED with a pepper. Sheesh.
The PTO could have not added the disclaimer, but they did. So it's a non-issue.
I know y'all have better things to do than keep this up.
The Hot Pepper said:
They trademarked Smokin' Ed's Carolina Reaper and Carolina Reaper is NOT exclusionary, it is written in the disclaimer, so yes, you could. Has anyone heard of anyone being sued?? This is going a bit far now. Unless you've heard of a lawsuit, what is the point of all this? Your username is Trippa. If you want to TM Trippa's Habanero more power to you. Of course, the PTO would say that you do not have exclusive rights to Habanero alone. So you could only sue for the use of Trippa's Habanero. Which makes sense! So why all this mess over his TM? It's just his name COMBINED with a pepper. Sheesh.
The PTO could have not added the disclaimer, but they did. So it's a non-issue.
I know y'all have better things to do than keep this up.
That is not really what all the fuss is about -- it is the new terms that have been added to the PBPC website which now states :
Seeds purchased through PBPC, LLC, or its affiliates, along with plants and peppers grown therefrom, shall be used for personal and non-commercial purposes only. Any reproduction or redistribution of seeds or plants therefrom, or commercial use of peppers grown from these seeds, or derivatives thereof, is prohibited without the express written consent of PBPC, LLC, or its affiliates. In so purchasing seeds through PBPC, LLC, or its affiliates, you expressly agree to these terms and conditions of sale.
And they are trying to make this condition retroactive to cover all of the seeds for the reaper that have already been sold prior to posting this condition which would allow them to try and sue anyone that is selling reaper seeds or pods - since they and\or their affiliates are supposedly the only source of seeds thus all sales of the plants,seeds,and derivitives thereof can only be under a signed agreement with written consent.
Of course the fact that the original sales were made prior to posting this and since there was no disclaimer posted to inform anyone upon placing the item in your cart they probably have no legal ground to stand on but that doesn't mean they may not at least attempt to enforce it. 
JDFan said:
That is not really what all the fuss is about -- it is the new terms that have been added to the PBPC website
Trippa mentioned T-shirts and such.
And if you don't like his terms it's real simple, don't order from him.

Many people don't like YouTube's terms, they can do whatever they want with your video, but people upload anyway.
The Hot Pepper said:
Trippa mentioned T-shirts and such.
And if you don't like his terms it's real simple, don't order from him.
Fair enough and I didn't -- but what about those that did prior to these new terms being posted that are now receiving threatening E-mails from them even though their purchase did not have any mention of this type of restriction and have spent time and money growing the plants with the intent of selling the pods and seeds. Should they just drop those plans and not complain about the situation ?
I don't spend my time trying to figure out what others should do. But if they have issues they should be in contact with the supplier.
I'm done with this soap opera. OUT!
The Hot Pepper said:
Trippa mentioned T-shirts and such.
And if you don't like his terms it's real simple, don't order from him.

Many people don't like YouTube's terms, they can do whatever they want with your video, but people upload anyway.
I was being sarcastic but I guess it didn't come across that way ... I was just being a smart ass ... 
Robisburning said:
Ocho Cinco, can you post images of your pods?  I suspect the lack of response is because your case is as it should be - true plants with good germ rates. Obviously your experience is positive, the question is how will the customer service be for those with less positive experiences.
There are some pics on the previous page. There are also some on also some on the 
Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow page.
Ocho Cinco said:
I have posted a few times about how satisfied that I am with my Carolina Reapers and Pepper Joe but it seems like no one really wants to hear anything positive.
In case you may have missed my previous posts then I'd like to say again that I am extremely satisfied with my seeds. They had a 70% germination rate for me which isn't bad considering I have never grown a super hot pepper in the past. All of my plants appear to be true.
I am also very happy with Joe's customer service. I've also had all of my growing questions answered by Joe. 
Great experience so far. I definitely plan on buying from him again.
Maybe you're being ignored because what you are saying has no relevance to the conversation.  Furthermore, you have posted 8 times and it seems like every post is to talk about how great Pepper Joe is or how great the Reaper is.  It's awesome that you have had great dealings with Pepper Joe, but there are a lot of us who haven't.
So basically what you are saying is that this is a one sided and biased conversation and I should just stay out. That's exactly my point. No one wants to hear anything positive. Personally I believe that there are quite a few of the complainers on here that stand to gain if Pepper Joe and Ed Currie's reputations are damaged and that is why I am largely being ignored. 
I also feel that my posts are very relevant to this conversation or I wouldn't bother posting on here. We are talking about stabilization and pod shape. I am showing that at least the seeds that I have appear stable and have awesome pod shape. How is that not relevant? Wouldn't you say that mmcdermott1 has posted a relevant video that adds to the conversation? I would and I am basically saying the same thing that he is. The only difference is that he posted from a larger commercial growers point of view and I am posting from a small home growers point of view.
It is only fair to post both sides of the story. Correct?
Every time a Serrano gets cross pollinated, people are shouting from the roof tops,
"New Pepper!, New Pepper! Get your exclusive new pepper here!"
And they covet it like they just cured Baldness, or invented a new sustainable power source.

It is a tiny little pepper that no one will get rich selling. Ever.

carry on~
Every chart I can find is like these,  Ed says the reaper Averages out at 1,474 The TSBT tested out at 1,463 Scoville heat units, that is only 0,011 hotter then BT. but that's still more then 1/2 Mil. less then the TM highest test.   My Real Point is there's so many supper hots and so many over 1. Mil  Why worry about selling Reapers as most on here say there un-stabilized in the first place and only .011 hotter then a TSBT  I don't think many could tell buy eating TSBT or a reaper what one is hotter.    

Anyone else ever notice when the poop hits the fan and our favorite seed huckster is in the thick of it, new reviewers/posters/members/growers start popping out of the woodwork?    
He has a history of, well let's just say "made up" reviews and reviewers and "distorted" facts.     
I ain't got puppy in this but those charts I have seen before. They keep me puzzled. Folks claiming hottest in the world and it ain't on the list. 2 mil is too hot for me anyway.
Remember, that list is a list from peppers that CPI has tested. I'm not sure what these newer peppers will get rated at, but just from our local taste tests on Monday night, the Red Brain Strain, Carolina Reaper, and the 7 pod Primo all consistantly taste hotter than the Morugas. we aren't eating whole peppers, just measured smaller amounts of pepepr material that are as equal as we can do by hand, also material coming from like locations on each pepper. Example, we almost always take the samples from the top part of the pepper, never the bottom where there is less placenta amounts. When you sample in smaller amounts, it is obvious which peppers are hotter, and you can also get a decent taste before the heat sets in. When we taste tested the Brain Strain, it was obvious that it was hotter and the searing affect was much more intense, compared to the scorpions. Both the reapers and the primos both brought heat to another new level. Just look at Nigel and mega, they both had stomach cramps after eating these two peppers. The level is just obvious that they are hotter and new charts will be made someday with these others in there somewhere. In the mean time, there will be others that will beat all of these someday. They may even exist right now, like some form of 7 pod Lava, or whatever else gets made by somebody.
I'm at least calmed down after my initial shock. For me, it is more than just peppers, it is business, but after reading my own post a few times, I sort of calmed myself down. I know what is legal and the conditions of my purchase. Until I get a certified letter telling me I can't sell my peppers, I'm not even going to worry about this any more. If I do, I will let everyone know.
As I said before, I have a couple of plants producing perfect looking peppers and that material can make me as many 1000 plants for next season as I care to grow. If you really want to look at it logically, why do I really want to grow the pepper plants that produce the perfect looking peppers when some of the other plants are prodcuing better tasting peppers and hotter peppers. If I really want to improve the quality of the peppers I'm growing, I'll pick the best of these two traits and go from there. Could even take the thinner skinned primos and cross them with the thicker skinned reapers with the best taste and heat and make something better that doesn't even have to have the reaper name in it at all.
Unless I get the letter, I'm moving on and working on improving my genetics of my peppers, and will start enjoying playing with my plants again. Tom
Yeah my brain don't work right sometimes. Yes some peppers are just as hot and maybe hotter. Just newer than list. But I am still kinda confused with the numbers. I have seen hottest pepper in world @ 1.4m. And list and reviews talking about another pepper is the hottest @ 2m. Just confused. I ain't tough enough to eat super hot anyway. But working my way up.