Carolina Reaper leaves shriveling and getting brittle

About two weeks ago, I started adding FloraNova Grow to my indoor Carolina Reaper plant, and it started to sprout buds - one bud even flowered!
In the last week, suddenly all the buds started to dry up, and fall off.
In the last two days, several leaves have been sagging, and falling off as well, with some having a strange dark discoloration - the discolored parts feel brittle and break apart into crumbled pieces if pressing your fingers together with the brittle leaf between them.
I just watered it again yesterday (again, with Flora Nova Grow), and it looks even worse - I water about once a week.
Can someone tell me what's going on and what I'm doing wrong?
Here are some pics:
how much of that floranova are you giving it? 
water once a week, but feed every 2 or 3 weeks
you could have nute burn (to much nutrients)
Some of the leaves look like the have edema, which means you may need to cut back on the water
elcap1999 said:
Some of the leaves look like the have edema, which means you may need to cut back on the water
+1  i agree, and i just read you gave them nutes last week then again yesterday, way to much of water and nutes. leave it be until the soil is dry
Man atleast your Carolina reaper is growing ....;)... Mine seems to just want to sit there and not do anything ...