Cayenne Leaf Problem

Does anyone know what is going on with my Cayenne Pepper Plant?  The leaves started to develop this out of nowhere.  It is not on all the leaves and new leaves are not displaying this.  I have 3 plants and all plants are displaying this in varying degrees of severity.  It has been about 2-3 days since i first seen this.  It doesn't seem to be progressing any further.
I am thinking edema. Note it has a variety of symptoms, so you may not find pics that look exactly like yours on your first try if you Google it. Keep looking though, and you'll likely come across one.
I'll check them out for bugs, but these have been indoor plants.
I'll also cut back on the watering to see if that helps.   Thanks for the input.
I grow exclusively indoors and cayenne in particular. 
That plant is way too large for that tiny cup.
Cut down your watering, as stated above it is probably from overwatering. I have my plants in a Window with 25 cfl bulbs and a fan on them constantly and I may water only once every week to ten days. I've had the exact same problem with mine.
I live near the arctic and believe me growing indoors doesn't save you from the bugs, it just gives them a perfect environment to breed. 