misc Central Scotland chilli enthusiasts.......?? Greenhouse only need apply.

Hi Guy's

I'm looking for chilli enthusiasts in reach of Central Scotland...............? Expert ? Newbie ? Whatever.............

I started early this year or to be more accurate late last due to a broken elbow 😭

So as usual I sowed far too many chillies........again ! I have doubles and trebles of some varieties this season I'm concentrating on very hot Chinese varieties and half dozen varieties of Rocotos/Locotos I'm experimenting with outdoors.

I hate wasting healthy plants and once I've picked my final selection for my 2023 grow season I will have spare plant's that I'm happy to give away to good homes and I'd be interested to see how others get on with them 👍

Please send me a PM if your interested no charge I can tell you what varieties I have available over the next few months
