CGN 2150xxx

Has anyone here grown this?  if so have any pics? wondering what you got for pod shape/color. I know it's unstable but can't find any pics of pods.  mine are just starting to set.  Thanks
I'm also growing this, no flowers yet, but I do have variation in vigour and leaf shape. One plant has much less anthocyanin, to the point of being nearly normal green.
Genemonger said:
I'm also growing this, no flowers yet, but I do have variation in vigour and leaf shape. One plant has much less anthocyanin, to the point of being nearly normal green.
I have four plants going. 1 has a lot of purple color the other three have none. I will get some pics up soon, flowers are really cool on one of them. 
Nice, I have about 7, but i will probably not grow all of them to adulthood. I put the green one in the greenhouse, three others outside. I'll track them in this topic.
Bump this up. anyone have pics of pods? These are what mine are looking like. Pretty sure they will turn red...

semillas said:

So far true to type

Who said it´s unstable??
From your website. Figured that implied there was different phenos being expressed in the seeds. I tried an unripe pod tonight, very good flavor heat similar to a jalapeno
Very sharp Capsicum chinense experimentation places that still needs to be further stabilized
Why do you ask for pictures if you know the site?

Last growout 2014 gave only small variations in pod shape, so I wouldn´t say it´s unstable.
Could be that the variation persists, as many C. chinense have pod shape variations.

Here's a picture of my least anthyocyanin (purple color) containing plant. I think the first fruits are only just setting now, so can't give you an idea on color/shape yet. The lighting is quite bad, but you can notice it has 3 flowers per node. That's about it..
Mine look pretty similar to yours.  They have that peach/purplish cast to them but are the traditional shape.  I will try and snap some pictures next week.

semillas said:
Why do you ask for pictures if you know the site?Last growout 2014 gave only small variations in pod shape, so I wouldn´t say it´s unstable.Could be that the variation persists, as many C. chinense have pod shape variations.Peter
my plants ripen to peach color not red.
Pods are quite stunning.  Do you know what cross they are.  Look like one parent is a cgn21500 - correct?
One of my cgn21500 plant grew out past season was accidentally cross and have teardrop shape like a biquinho. (bird beak)