• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Charlesquik's glog 2016

It is time to plant 2016 peppers!!
Snow is melting slowly but surely.

This year I'm calming down a little bit
Here is my list: 
Yellow 7 pot : 2  (favorite pepper)
Fatalli : 2
Joes long cayenne : 2
Aji cito : 2 (really prolific and made a shit ton of powder last year) 
Limon : 1 (This one was outside the greenhouse and got hit hard last year so I'm trying again this year) 
Fresno : 3  (I'm planting a lot of plans because last year I got 4 fresno on 2 plants...)
Jalapeno : 2 
Starfish : 2
Yellow scotch bonnet : 2
thai burupa : 2  (new this year)
Bishop crown : 1 (from pepper north)(new this year)
pimenta biquinho : 1 (new this year)
Ghost x Jalapeno : 1 (from pepper north) (new this year)
Trinidad perfume : 1 (new this year) (Wanted to try a super hot flavor profile without heat)
This bring the total to 24 plants for my own production but I'm planting a lot more for friends. 

I used the paper towel technique again this year but next year I'm planting directly into soil. 

I got this binder for my seeds  which is nice for storage

Seeds are now ready to go into soil 



For identification I use photo paper and I put scotch tape on it so the water dont erase the name. 
Tadam they are ready to grow up and meet their carrots and onions friends. 

Have a good 2016 season everyone and as usual enjoy the heat! :dance: 
Here is the update on the greenhouse
Ive been really busy these days so didnt have the chance to upload.
Removed the side panel
Holy batman shit there were so many spiders and flies in there I dont know how I survived.
Note: look how the plant inside the greenhouse are big  compared to outside

Time to put the wall

At this point is was too dark to continue so I had to let the pepper without a roof for the night :(
Anyways I was getting eaten alive by flies.
Now the roof and tadam


I seriously need to make a door next year this is so ghetto haha
My little experiment was a fail , pepper outside are way smaller and I had no time to build the other half of the greenhouse before the temperature drop of late august...
The peppers are still doing not bad
Fresno : 


Bishop crown :

This one is a dream!

And the trinidad perfume from the last post 

The limon is dead... My girlfriend stepped on it by accident because it was the smallest plant while weeding the place .
edit: One of the yellow 7pot is dead.. limon still alive!!!
Overall I'm really happy, but I still have to install my lamp and my heater this weekend for extra light source and when it reach 10 degree Celsius during the night the pepper are good at 18+.
First pepper of the year !! YEAH
A little fresno!! Well not so little!!  :fireball: It was about the heat of a cayenne!
I just realized I'm here happy with one pepper and you guys already had bucket of peppers.  :tear: 

Also, I set up the  light and heater


Now I'm good for another month!
The stool is right where my yellow 7pot died :) You didn't die for nothing little fellas.
Today i decided to make a door
I opted for a double door design so my door can act as a window

As you can see I can put the door together to make a bigger door

I can lock the bottom door so wind don't slam the door open 

And when its too hot inside I can open top part of the door to make some airflow

For the peppers, since I put the light and the heater its looking good, I think I will be able to get yellow 7 pot before the end of october :)
Hey Charles - just wanted to see how your grow is turning out this year;
haven't had much time for looking at grow logs this season for some
reason - just being lazy, I guess.
I really like your greenhouse, way to go.  The door/window combo is a
nice touch.  Next year, you will really be able to max it out since it will
already be set up and ready to go!  A little heat and light, and you are
off to the races!
Good luck going forward - hope you get that yellow 7 Pot!
Just a little update
Yellow 7 pot are getting bigger

My bishop crown are starting to ripe . I still don't know what I am going to do with these one... I have around 50+ pods

Same thing for aji cito (not as good producer as last year but they were outside the greenhouse the whole season )

Also decided to dry 1/3 of my frozen pods to make room for this year,

Hope you guys season is doing well ( I heard it was pretty much over )
And stay safe for those in Matthew path   :dance: 
We're starting to wind downing the PNW, Charles, but some varieties like the 
red Habaneros keep bravely going forward.  Our weather is mild for the moment,
with highs in the 60-70˚F range and lows in the low 50˚F.  We have 4 days of 2.5CM
of rain per day coming next week, plants better be able to swim!
Those trays of pods look great!
Good news! Temperature look good for another 2 weeks and I keep good temperature during the night in my greenhouse.
The night we are looking at   16°C (63 Fahrenheit) and the day 26°C (78 Fahrenheit)
Actually the temperature is always 10°C (18 Fahrenheit) higher than outdoor.
I think I will be able to continue production until the end of October where the night are below 0°C
How are the plants doing so far? Mines are dead by now, but I didnt have a green house. Any hopes for late peppers?
My greenhouse still going.. trying to get some peppers
Here my poor harvest during the season
Aji cito, fresno, red jalapeno, biquinho

Aji cito, biquinho, trinidad perfume

Thai burupa (really small ), biquinho, bishop crown

trinidad perfume, biquinho, bishop crown

2 YELLOW 7 POT OH YEAHHHHHH, trinidad perfume, biquinho, bishop crown

I still have two yellow 7 pot about to ripe ! Let hope!
At 3$ per days running the greenhouse those peppers worth gold hahaha
So finally only 7 out of 32 plants produced ripe pods this year :(
I pulled the plug in the greenhouse today
Fortunately there has been no freeze yet and I was able to strech my season!
Today harvest
From left to right
Top lane : Trinidad perfume, fatalii, yellow 7 pot
Middle lane : Jalapeno, bishop crown, aji cito
Bottom lane : biquinho, thai burupa

My 7pot :)

Whole season together in a big freeze bag
