Cherry Bomb looking a little off...

Hmm... Organic potting soil with a little seed starting mix, under t8's (7 inches below), not over watered. 1/4 dose of MG two weeks ago. The lights WERE running non stop for a couple of weeks as I was germinating on the ballasts though. Any ideas?
24-8-16 And as I mentioned, I gave a quarter dose about two weeks ago. Not sure if this is of any significance but I snipped off about 12 buds about a week ago. Seemed like this small plant was working hard to produce fruit. I nipped that in the bud. HA!
cherry bomb do certainly like to flower early but no that's not the reason why this has happened. Have you looked really close for pests, and I mean really close with a magnifying glass? Under leaves and right in the new growth too?
I'm going to venture a guess that a 6-2-4 fert applied two weeks ago to a potting mix, which probably already contained nutes, was simply too much for the plant at that stage in its life.  I'm not seeing any purpling in the leaves to suggest too much light.  How old is this plant?  Once it recovers, I would lower the T8 to within 2-3".  I would also suggest learning about AACT teas, and discard the MG for very young plants(if not all plants).   
I've looked at the leaves through a magnifying glass, no signs of pests.
The seed starting mix is VERY low in ferts and makes up about a quarter of my potting mixture. That's not to say that RJ doesn't have a point. I swore of the MG but decided to give it another go.
Actually upon inspection of my plant, I'm going with Edema. Some of the leaves look sugar coated on the under side, the yellowing started small and eventually took over some leaves until they dropped. My mix back when this plants was started did not have great drainage. Actually, reading an article re posted on THP about edema, it looks not only like the plant has all the symptoms and looking back at the grow, I provided all the conditions forit to happen. This is not the only plant with symptoms, just the worst.
Have another look at the photo.
Should I pluck the effected leaves?
Not sure if oedema causes curling but they may be two symptoms of one problem, if the soil is waterlogged the roots might be in distress. I'd lift the pot off and check the roots personally.
I thought the symptoms described in the article sounded like what my plantS are going through. Yes I have several that are now showing the same symptoms.
I'm still wondering if it is a terrible idea to snip off affected leaves.
I will pull them from the pots and inspect the roots as Moosery suggested. I'll do that Saturday. Now, forgive my ignorance but what should I look for other than obvious rotting roots?