food Chicken / Egg Poll

This is amusing. It's a given that you choose option 4 for yourself, based on past posts. Country folks vs. city folks is really all it is. If I was even just passing through and stopped at a country diner, I'd stay away from the top 3 items, too. But seeing how the vast majority of eggs sold in big cities come from hens that never see a rooster, those don't bother me in the slightest, out he'a.
Make sure you say "out he'a" correctly - it's kind of like he-ya. Ya know? ;)
     So, the "Chicken Patty with egg and cheese on a biscuit breakfast sandwich." was my choce in the poll. Kinda over the top, but it sounds like it would make a good breakfast for one of those days when you need a lot of energy to clear a forest or build an aircraft carrier or something. Whatever.
     But if you're gonna stand here and complain about that ^ sandwich on grounds of weird texture, you sir have another think coming. Mr. hotdogs and spaghettios on a grilled cheese sandwich. Who the hell do you think you're fooling with this?! :surprised:
Hybrid_Mode_01 said:
But if you're gonna stand here and complain about that ^ sandwich on grounds of weird texture, you sir have another think coming. Mr. hotdogs and spaghettios on a grilled cheese sandwich. Who the hell do you think you're fooling with this?! :surprised:
Ummm...I'll have a #1
and a #2
and a #3
Withh extra gravy and a side of holledaise 