seeds Chiletepin Seeds

Does anyone here have access to Chiltepin seeds?  If so, I'd like to buy a small portion (say, enough to grow 1-4 plants) for next year's crop.  Since I don't typically start any of my peppers from scratch, but rely on my local nursery to purchase seedlings, this would be my first attempt at germinating so I would also need a little guidance from the "germinating gurus" around here.  Let me know.
P.S. I grew "Barker's Peppers" along with my others.  it's said that the Barker's is the hottest member of the Anaheim chile family.  Unfortunately, the plant only grew four (4), but they are nice & hot & tasty.  I might try them again next year.  I'm reconfiguring my crops for next year - fewer Habaneros (had 16 plants this year) & more Ghost & Scorpions (had only one of each & only got about 50 peppers between the two).