Chili Head from Florida!

Howdy howdy Kraken. I too am new to this site and also from Florida. I'm an avid hothead as the case may be and a huge supporter of anything hot. Welcome to the site!
:welcome: from Upper Michigan, I can relate to your obsession with hot sauce. I test sauces on YouTube, and I have over 110 types of sauce in my collection now. Not really a collector of unopened ones, I just like trying new flavors to see what they taste like and the burn profile, of course!
Welcome Kraken.
I'm heading to St. Pete's Beach in Florida in two weeks. I'm going to check on my Test Gardens in Fort Myers.
Enjoy THP.
Pepper Joe :dance: :lol: :dance: :dance:

tried to message you but your inbox must be full stated that you are not excepting messages

Hey Joe,

When you are in town let me know I have some fresh Datil Peppers that will be ready when you are in town may be we can arrange a trade for some of your Giant Ghosts or Butch T Scorpion Seeds or Penny's San Marazano bush or Pinapple Tomatoes....

I grow most of my Peppers and Tomatoes in Earth Barrels or containers....

This season I have harvested over 400 Datil Peppers off of plants that are grown in a recycled wooden wine box that is on the second floor deck....

Give me a call when you are in town


Welcome from Tornado Vally :welcome:
And as far as seeds try the forums.
Although so far I have bought a lot of ebay peppers from hotpeppergirl.
If you watch the forums members are usaly giving various seeds away to the first 10 people to post on thier page.

If you want some Bhut Jolokia send me a pm and I will send you a few for FREE!
Its one of the best things about this site is every is so Nice. :dance:
:welcome: from NC (but a FL native, Clermont).

Anyways, definitely try the seed threat under growing peppers: but if i am gonna order I usually go with THSC or Before you do that, just check out the Marketplace and see what is up for sale and giveaway. You will be very surprised at what you can get for two stamps and an envelope. If you have a general goal of what you are looking for (7s, TScorps, Bhuts, Crosses) that can help others see what stock that they can part with. Send me a PM and ill make sure you get a few cool supers to get you started. Although I am not knocking eBay, A LOT of people's seeds don't grow true. Basically you can get enough free and cheap stuff here and they are USUALLY a bit more reliable.
