• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Chillie Whisperer's South African Glog-2013

Hi everyone,so,this will be my verey first attempt to start a glog,I live on a farm in SA in the Western Cape.
I AM still attending school (9th grade) and I will try my very best.
I just want to thank Lourens (PeriPeri)
And Conor (Saugapapper) for the fantastic seeds,you guys are awesome!

I will grow:
PeriPeri : mozambique
Habanero Orange
Peach Habanero
7pot red
7pot brainstrain yellow
Yellow Fattali
Choc habanero
Billy Boy Douglah
Butch T Scorpion

The rest I can't remember,will send the full list tomorrow

I am in exam stage in school so things will be hectic,anyways,wish me luck,thanks.
Thanks Lourens :) now that I passed,I can use this whoooole holiday to celebrate. :) my best friends and I are going to one of the popular bars in De Rust this friday :P all we are gonna do is drink some coke,eat some pizza and play some pool ;)
chilli whisperer said:
Thanks Walti72 :) you in cape town,as in 4 hours away from Oudtshoorn? What variaties you grow?
Hi. That's correct, Lekker by die see :-)

I'm growing some ghost and 7 pot's for the insane class. And some rocoto's and tab ascots for the sane class and two types of pepperdew kind peppers for snacks. Then I also have some veggies going.

Still lots to learn , but this form and google helps lots!

Wel done on grade 10.

That's cool! Yea,lekker by die see ;) !
Those are some nice peppers you grow :P,yea,I also have some insane's going,but a whole lot of sanes too :P.
We also grow veggies here
Thanks :D

That's a great spot you've got there :dance:, and while it may not be as big of some others gardens, it might be better to start out a little smaller then to get overwhelmed. ;)
Thanks you penny :)
Yes,you've got a point there! :P
Although Lourens got that all right,he's got green fingers!
When the season is about done and I got all my pods,I want to do some pod tests and post them on youtube,but I will be sure to start off at the milder ones ;)
Hey J, we all have to start somewhere and it is always best to start smaller when starting out. You have loads of farm land and you have a passion for your hobby - and you have green fingers too - so the possibilities and endless!
Chilli,  its 1135 pm here and past my bed time as my meds. are in full swing, but over the years I have found that drinching you large well rooted plants with liquid seaweed really helps to make plants grow, I can't get the stuff here unless I drive 70 miles to the city and buy it ther if it was just a bit closer I would get several galons of it.
When I liveved near the Zoo I was able to get a pickup load of ZooDoo which was great stuff, most zoos have a animal waste problem, and many sell composted poop from the animals, some of the best came from the Big 5, veggies eaters Elephants being one of the best poopers of large rough grade piles of poop thats once composted is brown gold for your garden as it breaks down very slowly. I found too that adding real wood Chacoal which may or may not be hard to fine to your garden soil sweetens the soil and helpes the good soil bugs to force out the bad ones, so now I add 200 pounds of real hardwood charcoal to my soil each year when I can you'll need to break it down to small pebble size and smaller for it to work best  use the dust also, makes great worm food. I aso like using composted corn cobs and soil bean hulls and or cotten seed hulls to the soil aften the last of the crops are picked., one more thing I found is if you make up several gallons of water, Molasses and yeast and let it ferment then spray the mix in your compost pile or aroung your plants it really gets the compost going and really gets the good soil bugs working like mad.
 over the years I found that you can never have enough compost for your garden and if you can get it for free or a bit of work your garden will thank you. Rotted cattle grain and no salt cattle minerals are good additives, and if you live near the ocean theres alwas some thing to add to  your garden like sea weed or if your by a river you can fine plenty of worms for your garden ever year for the last 4 years I take a drive to the lake and dig for worms, I have a place That I go to every other year and take home 2- 5 gal. bucket loads of red worms and grey Night crawlers which are much bigger than red worms but not quite as good at compostng likk the red worms are. 
Thanks guys :)
And thanks wildseed,I'll try that,we do have a river here where there are worms.

I'm working for my dad,and he said he's going to pay me,just enough money for 4 tar handled poles and a little shade netting :) I already see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I want to get to the post office today..thing is,its 10km away..buuuut,I have the whole day,so I guess I'll be walking :P
Update! :P
I have a suprise ;)
About 10 minutes ago,I transplanted 108 seedlings into the garden.
Thay are all the same variety,I don't know what types (will find out when they make pods next year :P.
I got them all from my grandpa,small pods in the shape of a tear.
At the beginning of the season I just threw all the seads into the ground,and they all came up! :)
I still have some to transplant,but its getting darker so I didn't have time :/.
Sooo,tomorrow I will transplant them all and take pics :P...wierd thing is,they prosper in the open sun :D.
they don't burn..and I didn't give them a lot of water in the beginnig!
So let's cross our fingers! And obviously I will be givving a loooot of their seeds away,I have a lot of them planted anyway :P
They aren't hot,but they taste very good :D