Chocolate Moruga takes my lunch money and beats me up.....

Here it is, the Chocolate Moruga from John Ford at Ford`s Fiery Foods and Plants. Thanks John!
You all know what it is. All I can say is  :hot:
I usually don`t enjoy the flavours in superhot brown pods, but this one wasn`t bad at all. Not even he slightest hint of bitterness. 
And YES, I do have a Brown Moruga to try. Gulp!!!
Great review as always Nigel! Love your reviews even if I'm not up to that level of heat yet. The description of flavor helps more than holy crap it burns! lol. 
Its interesting to me that this pod didn't have at least an average seed count. Moreover, I knew when I saw the tile of this  post, I knew this one was going to be serious. Another excellent review there Nigel. Your side kick was a treat too. Is the phenotypic variation between the brown and the choc a man made variant? Or, are these found in the wild growing the two shades of brown. It will be interesting when you review the brown m. Other then color, if you notice any other differences. I have a few brown pods now, and tested one a few days ago. At my jr level this was the hottest bloody thing ive ever had in my body. I was like a blow torch on my tongue. The brown m. for me had a slight acidic flavor which was very nice. Look forward to the brown m. when you recover :) By the way, what is your food intake program that you use before you down these pods.?
great review indeed!!
i was waiting for you to either melt or burst into flame :fire: or maybe even pass out but you did it !!
cant wait till you get my pods none are as hot as this one but it should prove to be interesting
alway a pleasure watch
I tried to look up if you could actually pass out from an endorphin rush...Wikipedia likened it to orgasm, and I have never passed out from that, but it STILL seems possible.
To me if it gets to be too much, panic sets in, and I do think I will truly pass out, and it gets uncomfortable.
PepperDaddler said:
I thought chocolate was another way to just say brown. What is the difference Nigel?

Love the bird biting at your hair!!

Developed independently. I think Chocolate by Grant Hustler at JungleRain, Brown by Judy at Pepperlover, but anyone that knows better please let me know the correct information. I believe both are naturally occuring colour mutations. 
Finding mutations/colour variations is a numbers game. If you grow 6 plants your chances are slim to nil. If you grow 6000, your chances are a great deal better. 
Naga Chomper said:
I wonder what it needs the lunch money for...
It`s just a bully. Probably wants to buy cigarettes, get darker brown and hotter..........
PepperDaddler said:
I tried to look up if you could actually pass out from an endorphin rush...Wikipedia likened it to orgasm, and I have never passed out from that, but it STILL seems possible.
To me if it gets to be too much, panic sets in, and I do think I will truly pass out, and it gets uncomfortable.
I`d say yes if it was intense enough, but I very much doubt any pepper would be that painful. If you had your leg sawed off in the civil war, then definitely, but not with peppers. 
Oh we all have panic set in every once in a while. This one wasn`t quite to that point. 
KingChile said:
to me the brown is ALOT hotter than the chocolate
I have not tried the Chocolate yet but I do have several browns from Judy. The brown to date in my small scale experiments was the hottest ive tried. It will be interesting to see how the brown stacks up compared to the Brown phenotype Douglah x Butch T cross.