• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

chsy83's First Glog for First-Timer Growing Superhots(123112 update)

So, yesterday started germination process with paper towel in ziplock method . . .


and put them on a heating pad set to low.

How's the Butch T doing?
Is it as wide as the bucket yet?
How high above your peppers is your light?

I'll have to take an update photo today. It might be! The light is around 3 feet above the plants on the table, maybe 2 for the ones in bigger pots. Probably 5 feet or more from the Butch in a bucket and the other four butches in the floor.
Everything is rockin!
The red fatalii looks like it can't wait to explode!
Might I make a recommendation??
Raise the Butches up to the same level as the rest of the plants..
I think your losing alot of the effectiveness of the lights having them so low.
Check out the graphic on this thread- http://thehotpepper.com/topic/32933-lumen-loss-at-different-hights/
I saw this thread and it got me thinking...
I hope this helps..
Thanks for the recommendation. I get a little leeway due to the reflective mylar, and my butches are in a corner, so they get a multiplier . . . not sure how much. They seem to be doing well, though.

Everything is rockin!
The red fatalii looks like it can't wait to explode!

Oh, and the green pot on the upper left is a red fatalii, too.
Just started some more seeds yesterday, 72 cell seed starter like this:

And did a 36 cell seed starter of Red Brain
108 new starters... of pure heat!
As I've said before.... I like how you operate!
The Taz hab is gonna be a happy camper soon enough now that it's in a new home.
Keep 'em growin!
Yesterday i potted up (into 3 gallon root pouches) my remaining 10 red habaneros [what remains of the 50 seeds that I started on 5/16 (after grasshoppers, birds, heat wave, and over zealous lawn mowers)]. Pic later today.

Here it is:

Not the best pic, it was still dark outside this morning, but I had to head off to work.
Here are the 10 Red Habaneros in the daylight, later that day:

And here are 9 assorted pepper plants that I potted up Friday night (080312), image take 080412:
Well you can get rid of the welcome mat...
19 peppers lining your walkway is the best welcome you could get...
I think you're gonna have great results from the root pouches.
What soil medium are you using for these guys in the pouches?
Well you can get rid of the welcome mat...
19 peppers lining your walkway is the best welcome you could get...
I think you're gonna have great results from the root pouches.
What soil medium are you using for these guys in the pouches?

I certainly think they are a welcoming sight. The soil is just the cheapest stuff I had locally available. If I had known the extent that I was going into my new hobby, I think I would have made my own potting mix. It is hyponex.
I have buds on at least 2 of the 10 red habaneros pictured above. I also have buds on at least one of the yellow brains I still have in my grow tent. Pics when I have time . . .
All of the plants that are on my walkway, plus four more out of my grow tent have been staked. Had a big rainstorm the other day and knocked some of my plants over and exposed their roots. I had my stakes ready to go, just waiting on some time to do it. My parents came over to visit, and me and my mom staked all of the plants, and we brought out two more plants to harden off. (Spent the previous day in the ER with a debilitating headache, two shots of Demerol and one shot of Tramadol later . . . headache gone). Feeling better today.
Butch in a bucket and tazmanian habanero in catfood bucket:

72 cell planter I planted the other week:

Brain strain:

Butch Ts:

Just remembered I never posted pics of the buds on my red habs. I will have to get those later.