cloning cloning... ¿¿¿how do you do it..???

i've had decent success with the following method:
i use mouthwash cups with a hole poked in the bottom for drainage.
fill with mix of 80% fine vermiculite 20% soilless mix (generally metromix 360)
wet medium and poke a hole in it with a nail.
choose a stem with several nodes, preferably not flowering.
remove the leaves from at least one node beneath the top with razor blade
cut stem diagonally just beneath the node
dip in rooting solution for 7-8 seconds. (i currently use dip n gro. if you want organic olivia's is the ticket... i don't like the powders)
insert in hole in mix and firm mix around it.
place in tray under hood under fluorescent light on 20 hour cycle.
water only if they start to get dried out.
rooting time is generally around 2 weeks.

temperature is usually around 70-75.
I haven't tried peppers with my cloner, but everything else I stick in it seems to grow roots sooner or later.. Here's my setup:

Sterilite tray from walmart (size doesn't matter, just prefer shallower, i.e. 9-10" tall, not some 18" tall 40 gallon tub)
DECENT air bubbler (I have a two port tetra used for deep water, so it pumps out some air)
DECENT airstones (there are cheap airstones, and there are nice wood airstones. The wood ones will make finer bubbles and more mist but cost more)
Small aquarium heater set to 78 degrees
4' flourescent shoplight w/ 2 bulbs
1 length of pipe insulation

Very simple, very cheap. Fill the sterilite to about 1.5 - 2" from the top with water, drop in your heater and bubbler and let things warm up. Then take the top for the sterilite and cut out small 1.5" holes for your clones to go in. cut the pipe insulation into 1" long pieces to help hold your cuttings in place. Then just take your cuttings, wrap the pipe insulation around the stem and wedge them into the holes loosely (don't crush your clones stem while doing this! you only want them stabilized, not rock solid). Make sure the cut end of the clone is just barely above the water (sometimes I have them in the water, doesn't really matter, just don't put them in too deep). Make sure the cuttings don't have an excessive amount of leaves, you may want to cut some bigger leaves in half (plants lose alot of moisture thru transpiration, and that happens at the leaves). My cuttings are usually only 3-5" long, but I tried rooting butterfly bushes last fall and those cuttings were over 12-16" tall...

Then... sit back and wait.. I have the light on a 16 hr cycle, and add no nutrients or cloning gells / powders.

I will be trying this with peppers this year, so I can't say I've done it with peppers, but I have managed to clone quite a few plants this way (butterfly bushes, rosemary, marigolds, mums, vietnamese coriander, sage, basil, and a ton of houseplants to name a few)

Hope this helps!
The worst thing you can do with clones (if done properly) is to over water them/baby them too much. The best results I have is when you make the cuttings (You don't really need any solution I have tested both ways - but if your worried I have never had problems with clonex purple gel - quite often 100% strike rate) Look on youtube at people making cuttings, you need to have a really sharp razor and cut below a node on an angle, then nick/scrape off a little of the flesh on one side - this is where the roots will grow from.
I have used rockwool or soil and prefer a good seed raising mix / sometimes mix with vermiculite - but often get 100% with the mix anyhow.
I put all my cuttings in my greenhouse on a lower shelf and gently spray every couple of days or before they get dry.

one other thing is - it will only come with practice.. once you have it it's the easiest thing.
I haven't tried peppers with my cloner, but everything else I stick in it seems to grow roots sooner or later.. Here's my setup:

Sterilite tray from walmart (size doesn't matter, just prefer shallower, i.e. 9-10" tall, not some 18" tall 40 gallon tub)
DECENT air bubbler (I have a two port tetra used for deep water, so it pumps out some air)
DECENT airstones (there are cheap airstones, and there are nice wood airstones. The wood ones will make finer bubbles and more mist but cost more)
Small aquarium heater set to 78 degrees
4' flourescent shoplight w/ 2 bulbs
1 length of pipe insulation

Very simple, very cheap. Fill the sterilite to about 1.5 - 2" from the top with water, drop in your heater and bubbler and let things warm up. Then take the top for the sterilite and cut out small 1.5" holes for your clones to go in. cut the pipe insulation into 1" long pieces to help hold your cuttings in place. Then just take your cuttings, wrap the pipe insulation around the stem and wedge them into the holes loosely (don't crush your clones stem while doing this! you only want them stabilized, not rock solid). Make sure the cut end of the clone is just barely above the water (sometimes I have them in the water, doesn't really matter, just don't put them in too deep). Make sure the cuttings don't have an excessive amount of leaves, you may want to cut some bigger leaves in half (plants lose alot of moisture thru transpiration, and that happens at the leaves). My cuttings are usually only 3-5" long, but I tried rooting butterfly bushes last fall and those cuttings were over 12-16" tall...

Then... sit back and wait.. I have the light on a 16 hr cycle, and add no nutrients or cloning gells / powders.

I will be trying this with peppers this year, so I can't say I've done it with peppers, but I have managed to clone quite a few plants this way (butterfly bushes, rosemary, marigolds, mums, vietnamese coriander, sage, basil, and a ton of houseplants to name a few)

Hope this helps!

Would be glad if you can take a picture of youre setup, just to get the imagination rolling. :scared:
Take a snip of what you want to clone and put it in a cup of soil like fox farm or even miracle gro cut with peat. Roots will grow with in 2 weeks, no clone gel, never used clone gel.

I know there is faster ways but this is just how easy plants grow.
Ok, since indoChili asked for some pics, here they are... Its nothing special, but it works like a charm for me!

The cloning tub.. Kinda empty, just 8 little rosemarys and a wandering jew plant now.​

These are my "cuttings holders". Just pipe insulation really. The holes are small​
enough that the foam insulation fits snugly inside them.​

The underside of the lid showing the roots on some of the rosemary. The wandering jew​
REALLY needs to be planted. When I did Vietnamese Coriander in here, the roots were​
as long as the wandering jews are, in less than 3 days (the wandering jew has been in​
there about a month now)​

Hope this gives you a few ideas.. Like I said, the only thing in the tub is a heater set to 78, and a few bubble wands.