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I've been wondering lately... Anyone know some good comedians worth watching?

I personally like Jeff Dunham a lot.

Here's Jeff Dunham with Walter:
But I like Peanut better:
Any recommendations?
St. Carlin (hehe) aka George Carlin (warning! If you are not intelegent and aware, you will not understand his humor!). Bill Cosby's old stuff (circa late 1970 early 1980) is great. I always piss myself laughing at The Smothers Brothers and boy can they harminize (even if everything they do is in the key of A.....or was it E...can't rememnber, getting late).
Wow, ok where to start. Well, i agree with IGG and i'd like to add Bobby Collins, Dom Irrera, Richard Jeni, Sam Kinison(only if you like or can deal with VERY inappropriate humor), Don Rickles, Buddy Hackett, Redd Foxx, and perhaps some Richard Pryor or early Eddie Murphy stuff.
i won't go into Carlin, Kinison, Rodney, Pryor, etc.

In no order:

Jim Norton
Jim Florentine
Jim Jeffries
Patrice Oneal
Otto & George
Louis CK
Jim Brewer
Brian Regan
(the late)Mitch Hedburg
Mitch Fatel
Ricky Gervais

Not to bust on anyone, but i find Jeff Dunham extremely boring. Same with Robin Williams. RW, for instance NEVER makes jokes. He just tells boring stories in a funny voice. Not funny.
Steven Wright is awesome. His new DVD - When the Leaves Blow Away - is great. Short, but fantastic. Wright is the precursor to Mitch Hedberg.

I'm not into Carlin - I don't find him intelligent or unconventional. Perhaps he was in the 70's, when society wasn't as numb, but that was before my time. He's funnier in movies. His stand-up seems like he's totally out of touch.

I can't get int Robin Williams either. He's another one who is 100% attitude and no content. Stick to the movies.

Bill Cosby "Himself" could be one of the best stand-up acts of all time, and it's family friendly to boot.

If you really do like thoughtful comedy, try Eddie Izzards "Dressed to Kill." Perhaps the best stand up act of all time.

And if you like "edgy" comedy, Bill Hicks. Although I find him a little "dated" as well. I'm not aware of any current comedians really pushing the bounds of acceptability.

Ricky Gervais is very funny. Somewhere between thoughtful and ridiculous - I like that.

For the record, I like Jeff Dunham. He's a very talented ventriloquist, and his characters are pretty amusing. I've always liked Walter the best.

If you like musical comedy, I'll suggest Otis Lee Crenshaw. He's dixie-fried Tennessee with a talent for self-deprecation that rivals only Henry Rollins.

And one more - if you love self-deprecating comedy, Henry Rollins is the master. *note* Henry does "spoken word," typically. So while 90% is hilarious, he will be morose and/or touching at times.
Ron "Tatersalad" White...


and if you haven't seen the blue collar comedy tour, it is a must in my opinion....
Okay I am an old timer but the best is Red Skeleton he grabs you and keeps you there. He even talked about PIE (LOL)

And heres something that He did and it may not be approved by everyone but it reminds me of what this world needs and it just my opinion

And as Red says at the end of his show May God Bless
klyth said:
And if you like "edgy" comedy, Bill Hicks. Although I find him a little "dated" as well.

He might be dated but i think dying really hampers you keeping your act upto date!
Hicks was one of the best.
Dennis Leary was good in the early days as well and eddie murphy.
They all pushed the line but only hicks kept pushing the other 2 both sold out to mainstream
Davetaylor said:
He might be dated but i think dying really hampers you keeping your act upto date!
Hicks was one of the best.
Dennis Leary was good in the early days as well and eddie murphy.
They all pushed the line but only hicks kept pushing the other 2 both sold out to mainstream
Leary ripped off his entire act from Hicks and other comics. The guy is a hack. His @$$hole bit was literally stolen from another comic who's name escapes me, but i want to say Louis CK.
i agree that leary did copy others and the asshole is not his, but it was his crazy ass style i liked.
The Big Yin still gets a laugh, but again not as many as in his early days
The "Blue Collar" guys without any doubt! Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Larry the Cable Guy and Ron White! They're hilarious, bad and absolutely redneck! They're the best team ever and also absolutely great solo. "Foxworthy's Big Night Out", Bill Engvall's "Country Fried Home Videos".
My favorite movie: "Larry the Health Inspector".

My brother in law would name "The Three Stooges"...
fineexampl said:
i won't go into Carlin, Kinison, Rodney, Pryor, etc.

In no order:

Jim Norton
Jim Florentine
Jim Jeffries
Patrice Oneal
Otto & George
Louis CK
Jim Brewer
Brian Regan
(the late)Mitch Hedburg
Mitch Fatel
Ricky Gervais

Not to bust on anyone, but i find Jeff Dunham extremely boring. Same with Robin Williams. RW, for instance NEVER makes jokes. He just tells boring stories in a funny voice. Not funny.

I would like to add a strong recommendation for Brian Regan also.
Armadillo said:
The "Blue Collar" guys without any doubt! Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Larry the Cable Guy and Ron White! They're hilarious, bad and absolutely redneck! They're the best team ever and also absolutely great solo.

I agree with you completely about Ron And Bill. They are absolutely righteous.

Jeff and Larry, in my opinion, are beating a dead horse with the same stuff over and over and over again. I mean, jeez people, could those guys possibly come up with something even kinda new??? I can't even stand to hear them anymore.
As for British ones I'd say:

Alan Carr
Billy Connolly
Jimmy Carr
Joe Pasquale
Lee Evans
Peter Kay
Ricky Gervais

I'm sure in the morning I'll think of more too.