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composting directly in pot

do any of you guys ever try to compost directly into a potted pepper plant? i have a yellow bhut jolokia i brought inside this winter, and overwintered it. about mid december, the pepper started taking off again, with several new nodes and even started flowering, and setting tiny pods. figuring it would need new nutrients, i started composting leftover vegetable pieces directly into the pot. seemed alright, then i mixed up a ton of vegetable leftover pieces in my blender, and spread it across the pot, around the base of the plant. the plant doesn't seem to be responding well. some leaves are falling off, pods shriveling up, and flowers wilting.
just wondering if i should stay the course, or pull all this crap out and use some cow manure or other stuff once early spring hits.
No, the organic matter needs to reduce down to finished compost - otherwise you'll be adding bacteria and stuff that's going to be conducive to good growth. Compost that's finished will be humic acid and the nutrients that amend the soil.

Pull it out and compost it separately.
It may be pulling all the nitrogen out of the soil, just as if you've put 'hot' (new) mulch on garden (I believe, don't take this as gospel). Yank it, as the others have said.
GiantSmasher said:
It may be pulling all the nitrogen out of the soil, just as if you've put 'hot' (new) mulch on garden (I believe, don't take this as gospel). Yank it, as the others have said.
More than likely the anaerobic bacteria are causing it.