• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

could use a little advise please

I bought my ghost plant as a young adult and transplanted it into a five gallon bucket. It has gone absolutly bat shat. It is now maybe three feet tallfrom the top of the bucket. It has hundreds of tiny little flowers that don't seem to drop nor do they seem to pod. It has been in bloom for nearly a month. WTF



You can see it in the white bucket. It is now three times this tall. The blooms are smaller than on my other plants. For example my scorpion tongue has many pods and its flowers were maybe aan inch across. The ghost flowers are a half inch across at most.

How old is the plant? I don't think there is anything to worry about, it sounds like the plant is happy and will set pods when ready. It wouldn't hurt to lightly tap the branches to help set the pollen. 
Ride it out man...my bhut was the same way, started slow but when it does take off it will take off like mine did..check my glog if you wanna see proof...:)

Nice grill stud...;)