for-sale Covert seed 5 packs For Sale (New SASBE)

Covert seed 5 packs For Sale

Covert foam backed seed zip locks 5-Packs are being offered for sale at $0.50 US dollars per pack plus shipping to your address any where in the world.

These are linear 0.157cm (1/16th) inch foam backed 3.81 cm (1.5inch) square zip-locked bags aligned along a 9 inch the foam backing which will fit into standard US 4-1/4X9-1/2 inch envelopes as shown below.

DO NOT wad the packs up or fold them as that will confuse the postal office sorter. The envelopes must to be flat and consistent for automation at the post office to operate correctly. Cut them up if you need to send smaller seed sample baggies but if shipping large volumes of seeds like 50 in a bag please distribute them evenly in the zip-lock so they will not cause a thickness error in the machines. US postal requirements are 1/8th inch (0.318cm) thickness for normal letter sized items.

Standard shipping will be 4-5 packs in an envelope for $2.45 (or $2 plus post) or you can request a double sided foam sandwich for $0.80 per 5 pack or a foil blacked 1/8 inch foam instead. However only 2 of these last types of 5 packs will go into a standard envelope. All other larger orders are will be determined by shipping costs. A larger number of 5 packs (8 one sided) can be sent in a larger 6X9 envelope for $0.80 in the continental US.

message me for orders and paypal account---paypal or pre-paid check only.

coveret 5 pack seed mailer.jpg

Have you run a test shipment of seeds with these to make sure the seeds don't get crushed by the postal processing machines ? If so with what kind of seeds ? Some seeds are more gnarly than others and aren't flat.

This looks like a good idea and could save some money in postage.
These are bad ass. Balac sent some to me, and I used them to send out to other members. I love them and highly recommend them,
Thanks for the accolades Kcallais----with more people like you on here we could solve the Bank Thieving and have World Peace tomorrow.

I have been sending these 5 packs out for 1 year and have had no complaint or crushed seeds as of yet. Also I have been trying to get feedback on the 5 pack engineering in a poll for the last year and only had 5 people complete the poll even though I had 517 views of the poll. So If they do not work it is not due to my not trying.

In anycase I think they will work as I have offered and if people want more protection I included a double packing option. I seriously doubt that there will be any difficulties in shipping seeds using the 5 packs. If there is problems then I encourage people to message me and I will re-engineer the packs as needed.

Yeah these work great, Balac sent me some demo packs and had good results all around. definitely saves on postage and bubble mailers.
I just rec'd mine today & they worked just as designed. None of the seeds appear to be crushed & the postage is/was less. Thanks Balac :)
The only problem I can find over the standard SASBE method is that.. for me.. I would have to transfer the seeds to a new baggie for storage as opposed to the SASBE system I can use the bags that are sent.
The only problem I can find over the standard SASBE method is that.. for me.. I would have to transfer the seeds to a new baggie for storage as opposed to the SASBE system I can use the bags that are sent.

BenVanned the idea here is to use the cheap packs to save all but the one time mailing. Spending 45 cents instead of $1.80 or more sending a few seeds to someone with back and forth SASBE and duplicate mailings and costs of packing.

I can send 4-5 packs that you can cut up and sand as needed in one standard envelope to your address---Or 8 in a larger envelope for $0.80. Then you can just send the seeds someone wants SAFELY and just give the post office one Forever stamp instead of multiple back and forth mailings and costly bubble packing's.
Have the receiver just paypal you a buck or something for the seeds---Simple; Easy: Cheap----what more do you want?
These are great for shipping 5+ varieties at a time. Mine made it from WI to GA in 4 days with all 50 seeds intact, and only the price of a single stamp to get here. The simplicity is very cool and I sent one back in the same amount of time I make a SASBE in. Frequent traders could easily save a few bucks a month by using these.