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CPI Jalmundo

On Dec. 27th, I planted some CPI Jalmundo along with some habs. Now I've been taking them out every morning at 9 am, and bringing them in at 6 pm. I kept the ten best Jalmundos, but only 1 orange hab survived. They don't look very tall, I buried them up to their elbows to keep them from getting too leggy. I 've replanted some more Mustard, Bondo Ma Jacque, and Antilla. I hope they'll make it. I also have some NM Heriage 6-4, Vaquero and Serrano Tanpiqueno that I planted a week ago. I want to thank everyone for what I've learned so far, there is a lot of knowledge here at THP. It's all good my friend


Looks good Rich. I've also got some Jalmundo and Heritage 6-4s from CPI started. Planted on 1/16 and they were the first out of the ground on the 23rd. Can't wait for the Jalmundos, should be good poppers. I gotta try next year and get in on the deal with Albertson's on the chiles, they're so damn expensive to order frozen from NM.
What is the deal with Albertson's?

I envy you warm weather guys, planting annuums already. I'm struggling with my chinenses here. Annuums won't go into the flats until mid-March or so.

Looks good Rich. I've also got some Jalmundo and Heritage 6-4s from CPI started. Planted on 1/16 and they were the first out of the ground on the 23rd. Can't wait for the Jalmundos, should be good poppers. I gotta try next year and get in on the deal with Albertson's on the chiles, they're so damn expensive to order frozen from NM.
They are looking nice Rich. Can't wait to start mine March 1st, that will be eight weeks
before planting out. My last frost date is around April 22nd. I do have 7 baby bhut's
growing right now. Three of them are getting their first true leaves, so I will give them
a diluted fish & seaweed emulsion tomorrow. Maybe I will sow a few chinese's tomorrow.
