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Crown Rot in Aerogarden

Hey everyone. Every year I try to grow in my aerogarden I get crown rot. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar issue and/or a solution. I've transplanted and buried the rotting crowns. Other than that everything looks fine (roots are white). I'm not sure why it always happens in the arerogarden. It must be too damp with the sponges. The crown rot has also moved to some jiff pellets, but I made the mistake of soaking them in water after they got really dried out.
Here's an article on it and root rot:
When I'm inattentive, and let my Aerogarden go too long between feedings, the foliage gets progressively yellow and dies out.  But I'm not sure that matches your description.
I've had problems with root rot in my Aerogarden that eventually progressed to killing the entire plant.  But I've never had a rotting crown in my Aerogarden when the roots were healthy.
I've started changing the water out in my Aerogarden at every feeding (approximately every two weeks).  This seems to keep my roots healthier.
Sounds like the same bacteria but in a different spot. I think what I've been doing wrong is putting the stems too deep into the sponges.  Doing an experiment to see if that's the reason. I have a habit of burying the stems deep in soil. I think the water also needs to be changed before every feeding. I also read if the water gets too warm, it creates an environment for root rot. Some people use tinfoil to reflect the light to help cool it down. It could also be an issue with your pump. I haven't had that issue, but maybe that could help you as well. I may also have a ventilation issue. Maybe a fan would help the crown rot I've been having.