Curling/Yellowing New Leaves

Hello all, I'm not sure what information you guys would need to be able to help me so I'll give you the lowdown:
-Two of my plants have yellowing (between the veins) and wrinkled new leaves and have been that way for about 3 days.
- All of my plants were planted July 3
-Transplanted from nursery about a week and a half ago
-Planted in miracle grow moisture control (All that was available at the time, I'll be switching to coco coir/perlite once I transplant to bigger pots)
-Under 4000k LED, 6500K and 3000k Fluorescent lights
-Havent fertilized yet because of soil but I have Dynagrow climate pro on the way via Amazon.
-Lights are 10 inches from plants and the temperature is around 83F
-Water every 2-3 days or whenever soil is dried to bottom of cup
-I also have a fan blowing lightly on my plants because I heard that helps them grow stronger and helps dry the soil.
I haven't really been able to find anything anywhere online that matched what I have happening to my plants so I'm hoping one of you can help me, thanks for taking the time to read my post and thanks for any help you guys can give me!
Also, sorry for the quality of the pictures, my phone was refusing to focus...
I agree, the yellowing leaves could be a sign of a magnesium deficiency.
It seems like you're getting more yellowing on the newer leaves, but the veins still remain green, which may be more of an indicator for an iron deficiency
The misshapen/wrinkled leaves in the second image could also be a sign of a calcium deficiency.
When you transplanted, were the roots really dense and tangled together?
I've seen similar things with plants that got rootbound in small 2oz cups, making it difficult for the plant to take up the nutrients it needs. Even after potting up, the plants will still have trouble unless you do some root pruning or untangling.
They were actually pretty loose to be honest. If I broke any roots during transplant do you think it could have caused it? I don't think I did but it very well could have been a possibility.
As long as you didn't do something like rip the plant out of the pot by the stem then the roots are probably fine. If the roots were nice and spread out when you did the transplant then the stuff I mentioned about root-bound plants wouldn't be the issue in this case.
The symptoms look like a nute deficiency (probably calcium for the wrinkled leaves, and iron and/or magnesium on the yellowing leaves) . I have no experience with miracle grow moisture control, but have had heard good and bad things from others who have used it (mostly bad).
It could also be an over or under-watering issue.
You mentioned you water "every 2-3 days or whenever soil is dried to bottom of cup". Does that mean you were waiting until the soil was completely dry from the top surface of the soil all the way to the soil in the bottom of the cup?
If so, that sounds like it would be under-watering. I've always heard that the soil should only be dry up to an inch or two below the surface. Although, if your plants were under-watered you'd probably notice the leaves starting to wilt.
Did you ever wait to the point where the leaves started to wilt before watering?
With my indoor plants I usually wait until the leaves start to go a bit soft before watering again. I just leave any plants with perky leaves without water until they start asking for it.
I usually look at one of my cups that's clear (it rests within a normal red cup to protect roots from light) in order to check the water level, but it may also be from under watering as I now have a few with curling leaves and a general yellowing of all of my plants. I've started fertilizing and its helped the issue a bit, I'm going to wait and see if that helps over time. I'll continue fertilizing and watering (the way you do) and if my not so green finger continues to wreak havoc on my plants I'll make an updated post. Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. If I make any false assumptions in this reply just call me out, as I'm sure I have haha