Current heat chart

I'm going to be (hopefully) selling super-hot's at farmers markets in the very near future. I thought it would be nice to have some kind of 'heat index' chart I could display. Being that I am grahpically challenged and incapable of producing such a chart on my own, I have been searching the Internet for something that is already made.
All I have been able to find so far is either out of date (showing the Ghost pepper as the hottest) or skips a lot of variaties. The closest one to complete (actually mentions the Carlina Reaper) that I have found skipped all of the 7-Pot/Pod variaties.
Would anyone happen to have, or know where I could find, something like this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
I'm doing the same thing--I could suggest printing a coloring page for kids that's the shape of a chile pepper and working from that.  Tons of those available and you can customize it a bit without having to do too much artwork yourself
it's missing some important ones like the Primo, that one should be just above the Butch T
But if it included ALL the 7 pots, all the morugas, all the bhuts, all the various colors and shapes of every pepper, it would be a very long list indeed.
It's hard enough to keep a current list of the top 10 or 25 without getting agro from a load of people who will argue the position of peppers in the list. :shh:
Thank you everyone that has responded. It is much appreciated.
Gotrox said:
But if it included ALL the 7 pots, all the morugas, all the bhuts, all the various colors and shapes of every pepper, it would be a very long list indeed.
It's hard enough to keep a current list of the top 10 or 25 without getting agro from a load of people who will argue the position of peppers in the list. :shh:
If you have it, a list of the top 15 - 20 would be nice to have.
I would use the last one in my list, but I would add the Primo to it, as the Douglah is already, to differentiate those 2 from the rest of the 7 Pots.
I would also throw out the Naga Viper on a technicality.
Not stable yet-----if you included all the current F1-F7 peppers, you would have a huge argument on placement in the list.
Also, you have to understand that the vast majority of your buyers won't have a clue.
They may have heard of Habeneros and Ghost peppers, maybe familiar with Thai in Chinese foods, but no idea of real heat.
My list for buyers just had the name, brief discription, and "X times hotter than a Jalapeno".
A cheap sales tool is to have a sample of all your pepper types, stick them full of toothpicks, let them sit in the fridge for a day before selling, and let the prospect taste a toothpick.
Or you could get fancy and chop them into little squares just big enough to skewer on a toothpick, and use those.
Gotrox said:
Also, you have to understand that the vast majority of your buyers won't have a clue.
They may have heard of Habeneros and Ghost peppers, maybe familiar with Thai in Chinese foods, but no idea of real heat.
My list for buyers just had the name, brief discription, and "X times hotter than a Jalapeno".
A cheap sales tool is to have a sample of all your pepper types, stick them full of toothpicks, let them sit in the fridge for a day before selling, and let the prospect taste a toothpick.
Or you could get fancy and chop them into little squares just big enough to skewer on a toothpick, and use those.
I agree, most people think that the Ghost pepper is the hottest, end of story. I was just trying to educate them a little bit :)
Two problems with samples:
1) In my state/county you have to have a food handlers permit to hand out samples. I'll pass on that.
2) Liability. In this day and age everybody likes to sue. My wife is fairly certain everybody is out to sue us. I'm not comfortable handing out 2,000,000 + samples to someone who has no idea what real heat is :)
Anyway, thank you for the chart(s). I'll see if I can't make something pretty out of them on PowerPoint.
Snarg said:
I agree, most people think that the Ghost pepper is the hottest, end of story. I was just trying to educate them a little bit :)
Two problems with samples:
1) In my state/county you have to have a food handlers permit to hand out samples. I'll pass on that.
2) Liability. In this day and age everybody likes to sue. My wife is fairly certain everybody is out to sue us. I'm not comfortable handing out 2,000,000 + samples to someone who has no idea what real heat is :)
Anyway, thank you for the chart(s). I'll see if I can't make something pretty out of them on PowerPoint.
Lived in Spokane for a couple decades.
I forgot how anal Washington is. :rolleyes: