Curses! 14 years old and #@$%* MySpace

I was out of town last week, but I have a neighbor child who comes by to tend the dogs and cats; my very own Puppy Au Pair. As she's gotten older, we've expanded her duties to include seeing to the flowers and vegetables. We've had limited success with that, though.

This time, we talked at some length about what would need watering, how often, and what the signs of needing water were. Really, we talked a long time. And then I made my fatal mistake: I told her she could use my computer while I was gone as long as she didn't go to MySpace. We talked about why *that* wasn't a good idea, too.

She's 14...what was I thinking! I was hardly on the plane before she was logged onto MySpace. She put the hose in the tomatoes, and didn't move it the rest of the week.


I keep telling myself it could have been worse. The bronze fennel will recover...eventually. About half the Italian basil is gone, but the plants that I had transplanted into larger pots will recover. Most of the shasta daisies are crinkly and brown. And the huge hanging basket of verbena in the front might sprout from the roots. It's tough.

The really horrible part, though, is that all the Almapaprika peppers are toast, as are all the yellow current tomatoes. A few of the Melrose and Big Jim peppers look like they're going to make it, too. But, you know...dang! I love Almapaprika peppers. I debated replanting them, but caved and just ordered some from Cross Country.

The rest of the peppers look a little worse for wear, but they'll do fine with a bit of regular watering, so she'll be allowed to live.

Only, now I'm worried about the "no boys" rule.
Sorry to hear about that Pam. We're headed to Colorado next week. My major concern are the free range chickens the neighbors have and my peppers becoming mulch by the time we return. We've had an unusual wet spring so watering is not a major concern at this time. Just hope I still have plants in the ground upon our return.
Pam - as the full time single dad of a 7 yr old, I can honestly say....."The youth of today, they have no respect for their elders" I can also say "Don't run with scissors" and "Sit back from the screen you'll get square eyes" all with a straight face.

But lets face it, every single one of us, both young and old should be able to look after a garden, our lives will depend on it when the economy/oil/energy/water/etc. eventually turns turtle.

This is important to the wellbeing and future of the young upstart in question & her kin. Get Al Gore about gardening. The minion doesn't know whats at stake. OMG no elctrc lgt :?: .
P_Schneider said:
Get a rope...

Well, she takes excellent care of the animals, and that is more important than the plants. I separate the two jobs, she gets paid for taking care of the animals first, and she gets a bonus if she takes good care of the plants.

So, this time she got paid for taking care of the animals, and her bonus was a butt chewing.
Could be worse ....
Last summer we went camping for 2wks at a beach in CT and left our 2 dogs and our cat with our neighbors kid, hes done it since he was 11 or 12 he was 18 at this time. This boy didnt have a father so I "guided" him in life and had chats over the fence about everything he couldnt tell his mother... he looked forward to it as well as my kids (I get out of work by 3) everday virtually we talked as he got older I gave him rides to work or whatever treatd him like my own .... While we were away he got into a fight with his mother and left... she was watching the dogs then.... turns out he breaks into our house w/ some friends and steals ALL the change in the house my sons piggy banks -- that right plural--- hes been saving since he was born -- I know my fault for not banking it but he was comforted that he had and could touch it ... he was only 11.. took his play station and games... and my bureau change bucket and even the change that is in the laundry room.... denied doing to our faces and left for Afghanastan in the military..... then his mother moved saying she isnt responsible for him if he ever comes for a visit anymore. Trully sad and heartbreaking to my wife and I and my two kids.....

Hopefully you can work it out with her and have resolution as we never had the satisfaction of healing that part of us.....
Pam said:
Well, she takes excellent care of the animals, and that is more important than the plants. I separate the two jobs, she gets paid for taking care of the animals first, and she gets a bonus if she takes good care of the plants.

So, this time she got paid for taking care of the animals, and her bonus was a butt chewing.

There ya go! :?: You have to train em young, if they make it to 16 without learning anything it's all over.
Could be worse ....

Hopefully you can work it out with her and have resolution as we never had the satisfaction of healing that part of us.....

Wow, that's tough. And there are some similarities; she's got a bad home situation and is underfoot over here sometimes because she can't go home. She's a good kid, but very, very "at risk". I didn't mind helping her out with school and science projects and stuff, but now she wants to talk to me about boys and sex all the time.

I'm childless by choice. I'm not supposed to have to *do* this!
bentalphanerd said:
make her Eat a naga for myspace clip...or has that already been done

A few years ago, when she first started hanging out over here, she wanted to try a hot pepper. She insisted that she liked them hot, and could eat a jalapeño pepper without any problem. She wanted to eat a Pimiento De Chiero because they were like, you know, cute. She was about 11.

I warned her. Really, I warned her, but she insisted she could handle the heat. So, she ate one. As she chewed, first she started flapping her arms, then she sort of marched in place, jerking her knees up high in time with the chewing and arm flapping. Finally, with tears streaming down her cheeks, she wailed, "I can't feel my lips!"

I told her to spit it out, and we went inside to commence the bread and milk drinking. Turns out the jalapeños were some unripe, canned, pickled monstrosities that had most of the heat processed out of them.

She listens to me about peppers now. Pity I can't figure out a harmless way for a similar lesson about boys.
Well, depending on how advanced you think she is, and how much you want to warn her, you could convince them to rub their man-bits with some chilis.

But they might not be up for that.
Pam said:
Wow, that's tough. And there are some similarities; she's got a bad home situation and is underfoot over here sometimes because she can't go home. She's a good kid, but very, very "at risk". I didn't mind helping her out with school and science projects and stuff, but now she wants to talk to me about boys and sex all the time.

I'm childless by choice. I'm not supposed to have to *do* this!

Exactly the same..... almost like your purse becomes hers to steal from .... and its a shame because if he had asked me for money I would have loaned it to him. Your problem becomes not turning her "safe" place into something that is uncomfortable...I hope she turns around for the better ....
Good luck Pam I honestly feel for you
Shooty* said:
Well, depending on how advanced you think she is, and how much you want to warn her, you could convince them to rub their man-bits with some chilis.

But they might not be up for that.

I don't even want her thinking about man-bits, much less the rubbing of them!!!!
Pam are a saint! The best you can do is warn her of the dangers of sex such as STD's, AID's, pregnancy..or being shot in the back of the head like that guy who sat in front of Pee Wee Herman.
Give her a chemistry text book to read. That way she'll be busy, learn something useful, and you won't have to worry about her as much because careers in chemistry will absolutely destroy your social life :hell: . If that doesn't work I'm sure you can find a use for a heavy blunt object :hell:
dreamtheatervt said:
Give her a chemistry text book to read. That way she'll be busy, learn something useful, and you won't have to worry about her as much because careers in chemistry will absolutely destroy your social life :hell: . If that doesn't work I'm sure you can find a use for a heavy blunt object :hell:

about the similar lesson for the boys : you could say all boys grow a purple peter pepper in their pants, based on the experience she has with peppers she will not even come close to boys and their thingies....