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Damage to leaves

After searching the forums and not finding much, I started this topic :)

Now I have around 30 seedlings (super chillis and habaneros)and I also have two supposedly cayenne plants from a local fruit shop. After transplanting them into much needed larger pots, I have noticed the following on one of the cayenne plants:




The white part on the leaf below is slightly harder to the touch than the rest of the leaf:


And on both of the plants there is some purple discoloration at the base of the stems :


I only bought these to 'play-around' with if you will, just to teach me something before my seedlings (that have just developed their first set of true leaves) get bigger.

Thanks for reading, and any help would be appreciated :D
Ok, I'm still very new to the world of growing peppers, but how long are your lights on and how close are they? It might be sunburn, that is kind of how mine looked when it got burnt. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Ok, I'm still very new to the world of growing peppers, but how long are your lights on and how close are they? It might be sunburn, that is kind of how mine looked when it got burnt. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

They're on for 16 hours and are around a foot away, maybe slightly higher...:

The crazy leaves look like fert burn to me. The purple on the stems is totally fine.

Which is odd. I mean I understand that the place I bought it from may have been fertilizing it, but I certainly haven't...and I noticed the onset of the damage a good few days after I got it.

At the moment, it only seems to effecting one of the two.
So, two weeks after removing the deformed/damaged leaves thing are looking much better with several healthy looking fruits of a few centimetres in length.
Also I picked the best 8 seedlings and they have been transplanted and are showing an awesome amount of growth each night, here are a few pictures of how we are looking now:

The one on the right was pinched out compared to the one on the left which wasn't





The rest of the seedlings are currently residing on my windowsill, and are lagging behind the ones in the cupboard.

Things seem to be coming on well so far!
Nice looking plants, Matty.

I had a similar problem on one of my seedlings, one out of fifty sprouted a couple of dodgy shaped leaves. It was treated no differently than the others and had never been fertilized. It sorted itself out. No idea what it was, maybe just a weaker plant.

Good luck.
Your plants look good, I wouldn't sweat a few slightly deformed leaves, it's normal. I don't think there was any fert burn, I don't see any burnt tips/margins anywhere. Are you going to put them outside?
Hey guys, sorry haven't been on in a while and hadn't seen your replies... no I don't intend on putting them outside as I fear that the glorious weather of the UK may absolutely destroy them!

Anyway, here is a couple of pictures of how they were doing a few days ago. I would have taken more but I'm being lazy and am still in bed :) ha the joys of being a student.

Yellow habanero:


Super chilli F1:


And then here is some of the fruit on a store bought cayenne plant:

You sure that last pic is a Cayenne??

No I'm not sure it's a cayenne...above I put that it is 'supposedly' a cayenne plant, but I bought it from a small fruit shop that doesn't usually sell that sort of thing so it could well be anything! :)

It's not a pure cayenne. More like a hybrid one. Maybe cross-pollinated with Jalapeno or Serrano...

Yeah this is the more likely option, they keep getting fatter but not much longer. Looking more like Jalapeno every day :/ Oh well! Would like to have known though.
Was checking-out your new batch of pics...

Particularly the first new pic, but there are signs on the last one as well.

Do you have mites? :eek: