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Datil pepper problems - virus?

Hello! Looking for some advice. Datil plants are showing some sort virus on the bottom leaves, wondering if anyone could identify/confirm blight or some other virus. I realize there's no way to determine between the different viruses. Top of the plant doesn't have the spots, looks OK. Any advice besides removal of anymore affected leaves? Should I pull the whole plant? Try something like Actinovate? I'm in Florida btw.
I was so excited about datils this year! Maybe next year. :)


To me it looks like a case of too much rain or watering causing some BLS and leaf curl . Remove some of the bad leaves and spray with a copper fungicide or old school 1/2 skim milk and water foliar  spray . Try to get some air to the roots by letting it dry out . Maybe some Epsom salt and that plant should bounce back .  
Romy6, thank you for the feedback! I will give that a shot. They are in an Earthbox and I've already dumped out the water. I'll grab some fungicide first and try the epsom salts too if that doesn't work. Thanks again!